[Feedback] Can more Cold items support Cold Drain Essence, please (i.e. have skill bonuses to Decomposition/Hungering Reach)?

I’ve been toying with idea of trying out DE Chillwhisper Reaper: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lV7Lwg5Z and found out that getting Cold items with relevant skill bonuses to Decomposition and Hungering Reach is quite a problem. (and in general the whole itemization around Cold DE is lacking stats and physical resist but that deserves a separate feedback).

Here are the items that give bonuses to Hungering Reach:


And here are that give bonuses to Decomposition


New green medal makes it a little bit better but I think that some common Cold rings/pants/boots legendaries/epics could have those bonuses.


no-green mafia has spoken

(btw you can’t use breath of belgothan since you are not dual wielding melee weapons)

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I like this idea. Would be great to be able to level using Cold Drain Essence in the same way one can level using vit/aether drain essence. I dont know if thats possible or not, but Ive really enjoyed Drain Essence ever since that MI spectral shield in arkovian undercity that buffs it.

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I don’t mind too much the lack of phys res, but oa/da is a bitch on these chillwhisper reapers! Would be nice to see that somewhere, maybe just tack on a bonus to spectral buffs or something

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