[Feedback] "Forbidden Domain" UI thing near the map in certain locations

This annoying thing:

Let us disable it in the game options. It’s way too big and just takes away sight.

Two options:

  • Let us remove it completely, even with the modifiers, whatever they’re called
  • Let us remove only this huge useless and annoying boarder which says “forbidden domain” and other bullshit, modifiers stay where they are.

Every time I enter a cave or other thing this appears I just want to hit exit, it literally doesn’t bring anything to MY game, and only takes place. I’ve nearly died multiple times because this bullshit hides enemies and I look like an idiot on the screen wondering what the fuck is is going on. Just please let us remove it, I bet I am not the only one that doesn’t like this cock blocker at all.

ans why isn’t it called Roguelike Dungeon like it was teased?!

I wholeheartedly agree, this UI piece is too big and doesn’t serve a purpose. I would be happy with just the mutators and nothing else visible.

Agree, the thing is too big, it should be half of its current size

You spelled “removed” wrong.

Just want to push this thread in case Crate didn’t see/check it. I’ll probably stop playing if it’ll stay, that’s how much it pisses me off.

Oh well, will save me giving you a ban at some time in the future I guess. :undecided:

Btw, please don’t bump threads.

    1. I will support you since you have bought Forgotten Gods! :smiley:

It should be removed completely IMO! keep the small fancy icons, and perhaps maybe the skull icon up top and thats it!. If we want more info we just hover our mouse to these icons, no more large bulletin boards type of ads please

I’m going to be honest, I forgot that is a rule…

It is mentioned here https://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1 and here https://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43528

That’s because there are places that apply the debuff but aren’t Roguelike (early SoT applies debuffs even before the door, for example).

Doesn’t mean I never read it, though.