So, after you play the game through normal, elite and ultimate, I often end up with a skewed reputation.
See, Beasts are kinda everyhwere, so it is mostly the first thing I get to Nemesis. Then comes Eldritch, Atherials, Cthonians, Vanguard and Undead. These are all ‘main’ factions. But isn’t there a faction that is missing?
In the story, you smash through Cronleys Gang, destroying their Forges and even killing their leader. That should make you a huge target, right? … Well, maybe you barely got to hated, because you were forced to farm him a couple of times to get some equipment and drops. Otherwise? Getting to Nemesis with that faction is about as hard as getting Nemesis with Kymon’s Chosen / Death Vigil.
The difference is quite apparent. Chosen/Vigil are merely a ‘side’ faction. You are not required to blast through them, to kill them to the last man down and destroy their whole infrastructure. In fact, you often don’t even attack a stronghold of that faction all that often. So then, what does it say about all that, when I regulary have more Infamy with Kymon’s Chosen than with Cronley? And not because I farm them. I merely completed the Death Vigil questline.
So, as far as I am concerned, it is far too imbalanced. You don’t meet Cronleys Gang outside their small territory either.
Either, some throwback to the gang in some other parts (as in, general small groups of criminals ‘belonging’ to the Gang and or directly changing the faction to ‘outlaws’) or an adjustment to the infamy gain.
A simple and logical possibility would be, to get infamy as the story progresses. You destroyed the forges, crippling their ability to produce weapons and weakening them extremly? Is that not worth some infamy? You kiled their leader, the one person everything is built upon. Not like Krieg, who is merely a proxy and ‘just’ a higher up, but the very pillar of the whole gang! Surely you will get a lot of Infamy for practically destroying their whole structure … right?
This would also give a semblance of incentive to play through normal / elite, since the quests alone could net you quite a bit of Infamy (as in, maybe 1k for the forges, 2k for Cronley, adding to 9k in total).
Another point that I noticed, is the lack of Undead in the expansions. In Malmouth, you have … one tomb in Ugdenbog and a tomb in the Steelcap District where you gain undead infamy (as far as I remember) and in the Forgotten Gods expansion, you have no place at all. And that with a lot of mummies and spectres running around (or wraith in Ugdenbog). It makes the Undeads far slower then, say, the Beasts which have their own places in both Expansions. The question is, why do these undead not earn you undead infamy? Take the wraiths in Ugdenbog or the Mummies in the temple City of Osyr. it is not a huge population, but still worth some infamy. It would also make far more sense and allow more immersion than a ‘ok, everything in this area gives Eldritch infamy. No matter what that thing be.’
- Cronley needs some support for infamy, suggestion: add infamy to questline
- Undead that appear in the expansion should give Undead reputation to avoid confusion and to not break immersion.
EDIT: What shall be done about the Infamy gain regarding Cronleys Gang? (and maybe ODV and KC)
- Don’t change Infamy gain
- Add Infamy to the questline
- Increase the amount of spawned heroes
- add both Infamy to the questline AND increase spawned heroes
- Zantai rules the world and I shall abide by his decision! (as in: I don’t care)
- I have another suggestion… (see post)
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