I’m soon hitting 100 on my 2nd toon, a Warlord that I’m looking to play an EoR build with as I’m having an extremely fun time playing it atm. I played 2H Forcewaave up until around 90 when I found the weapon I’m currently using, and swapped to an EoR build using Armored Otter & Nerys builds as guidelines.
I’m currently clearing up some roads in Extreme up until Darius and Krieg, just doing trash and some totems, feeling pretty strong but some scary situations have occured. I just recently swapped out my Leovinuses rings with the best green I could find.
I’m curious what my step should be from here. I don’t really know what items to look for that will give an insance power spike. Looking to swap out amulets, rings and weapon for what? Obviously Warborn set is the main goal in the long run, but It feels like I should prioritize to get strong enough to comfortably farm totems for recipes.
You could start with posting a Grim Tools link to your character
Btw I don’t know this build but I see it has Mythical Beronath, Reforged
but you can farm low level version Beronath, Reforged easily at Vinelton (vendor in Ancient Grove) on any difficulty
You only need to enter the dungeon once and then you reset the vendor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huJ2g8B9PP0 it’s actually doable in contrast to Benevald farming who has very low chance of giving you a blueprint you want resulting in unrealistic farm time.
it does require a couple of target farmable blueprints though so you’d need to make sure you get them before that, one is Shard of Beronath which you can also grab at Vinelton)
To boost your Life Leech from Scales of Ulcama while you don’t have 100% Vit to Phy belt, you can farm Gargoyle Spines
Maybe you have a blueprint for the helm from or 1 piece of Myrmidon Bastion then you could craft it and/or transmute it to chest for another partial Vitality to Physical conversion
so I’d just respec to it and start leveling (btw Malmouth Exp potions boost devo leveling too if you happen to have enough reputationn) and gain partial Vit conversion the way I described it till you’re lucky to get the belt.
@HollowGaming you seem to have wrong node (with Retal) of Obelisk devotion selected instead of the one with DA
Maybe devotion such as this: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/b28ObvzN
(added Tip of Scales but kept Ghoul and Crab for Hardcore)
Just got to Arkovian Undercity, you think it’s possible to run Steps on Torment? Otherwise, I think I’m just gonna keep running around in Act 1,2 & 3 and farm totems.
I think it’s good enough for running SoT. You just need to tweak some of armor and weapon augment first, for armor get the pierce and aether on those empty slot, for weapon seek the 120% physical damage that also give 60 offensive from the bysmiel faction.
Few days later now, still no sight of mythical warborn or mythical beronath, I have the recipes for warborn visor (not mythical) and crafted a normal beronath, are these worth using? If I go with beronath, what should I use in off-hand? I think I heard something about a shield for the bridge watcher in AoM.