[Feedback] Pierce Rimetongue Sabo is still lacking a lot

I tried this build probably a year ago, now decided to give it another spin to see if anything changed (back then it was an ugly brother of cold one). long story short, build is still trash.

I tried multiple GTs, mostly these two:

made about 10 runs, finished like 3-4 and then died in the most miserable manner in others. here are successful runs.

now to the feedback itself.

positive moments - Grenado + BoW actually does good damage to trapped targets, and blowing up shit with it is pretty fun. genuinely enjoyed it. also build has w/e decent stats in HP, OA/DA and CC-res.

negative moments - pretty much everything else.

  • Gildor is a pretty miserable weapon having a damage value of some 1h. it’s pretty stacked with mods but the weapon itself suffers from being both pierce and ranged and having abysmal %damage values.
  • Build has almost no sustain. Harp is almost mandatory as otherwise you simply run out of energy and LL is lacking.
  • Blade Spirits just do nothing. You have three of them, at 26/16, with full conversion and almost double the pierce flat and all of that still results in 80k dps on a dummy. I think you can slap on 4th one freely and double the damage and it still won’t be op.
  • overall damage is not top-tier. crowds of mobs get destroyed pretty fast but Nemesis and Bosses may take a way longer time and some of them are really dangerous (looking at you, Kaisan - and Fabius, btw).

what I suggest?

  • increase the damage on Gildor’s Pulverizer drastically. I think it’s really safe to increase it to sth like 392% average and it won’t be any kind of OP.
  • Blade Spirits need buffs. They look like another skill massacred after being too strong in buffed Crucible some years ago.
  • genuinely don’t know what to do with sustain problems.

if anyone has similar experience to mine, please share it!