[Feedback] Revenant of Og'Napesh

I’ve been toying with a pet build Conjurer using this guy because I like having big families. This feedback is about level 75 and 94 books (didn’t use the low level one, I mean I did but like a year ago, so not gonna talk about it).

I feel like Og’Napesh on level 75 is doing his work. Whenever something attacked me, and everyone was busy making friends with enemies further away, Napesh always was near me and killed everything with a comparable damage to my level 26/1/14/12 Raven. Whenever bird hit for 12 k, Napesh hit for about similar damage, often saw a 10k. My non-leveled pets usually hit for up to 7k, and they sat on level 1.

Level 94 Og’Napesh, however, has comparable or even lower damage to a level 6 Hellhound or level 5 Briarthorn, which is at least weird. Funniest thing is, my Briarthorn, which has no modifiers to itself, sometimes is able to hit 20k, while Napesh hits for up to 20 too… issue is Briarthorn does this damage with his Ground Slam, one projectile.

After checking https://www.grimtools.com/petdb/skill/3556/item/9346 I came to conclusion that the level 75 version is actually better because it requires way less spirit to equip and the damage difference is like almost non-existent. Level 75 Napesh has like 90% of the damage the level 94 has:
level 94: https://www.grimtools.com/petdb/skill/3556/item/9346
level 75: https://www.grimtools.com/petdb/skill/3556/item/2298
And the shield defense stats seem to be exactly the same… :eek:

What I’d suggest to change (level 94 version, not necessarily everything listed):

  • Increase damage of Napesh by about 20 - 30% (base values),
  • Reduce the uptime of his defensive buff (35 CD, 8 duration to 15CD, 8 duration)
  • Increase the defensive values of his buff. Right now it gives sleep, stun, freeze, petrify and entrapment, 25%, increase it to 50 or even 75. Cooldown and duration unchanged.
  • Give his aura buff defensive stats, either increase resistances, give some sort of damage absorption or increase DA by 20% (lasts 8 seconds, 35 seconds cooldown so won’t be a big deal, I think)
  • Give this buddy a percentage RR (% reduced resistances) - I’m thinking about a 10 - 15% here.
  • Increase spawn limit to 420. Whoopsie, didn’t turn off my macro program, here we go sorry, I had to do this :smiley: . Increase the spawn limit to 2, change nothing else.

Of course, I never say those exact numbers should be placed. I just give suggestions, Crate does the balancing. :stuck_out_tongue:

+1 to this. Og’napesh is kind of lackluster atm.

+1 to my favorite pet pre AoM, before I enrolled in the ddivinity program. Sadly he is forgotten now due to mediocre stats so a buff is important

I agree that pet isn’t super impressive and I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to an improvement in it’s damage, but it more or less in line with other item-based pets.

I know you’re one of the best pet builders, but I kind of have to disagree here. Level 70 relic, swarmlings deal 70% of Napesh’s damage. You can have up to 5 swarmlings, with 2 seconds cooldown and 25 life time by just pressing one button in a single fight. Skeletal Servant, from Dirge of Arkovia relic has ~50% more damage than Napesh, and after trying it ~8 months ago on a Ritualist, I actually felt like I do have a pet. Even Chillmane, from Heart of the Mountain feels way better than Napesh (although, I think that because Chillmane has very comparable damage to Napesh, he does a way better job because he has AoE skills). I mean, Napesh also has AoE skills, but they are basically melee AoE with limited damage (3 targets max and 12 projectiles which disappear upon collision) and Chillmane, even though is fully melee, he doesn’t have any restrictions if it comes to AoE, which automatically makes him way better. Blightted Rift Scourge, even though he’s literally worthless if it comes to damage, it’s ranged and reduces damage, spawn limit 2.

Napesh is pretty much the worst pet in the game right now, or Blighted Rift Scourge if you think the damage reduction it has is worthless.

Yeah, Og’Napesh is definitely weaker than both Chillmane and Skeletal Servant. Swarmlings I hate either way, so won’t comment on that. Another thing to note is how many pet builds go for Cataclysm’s eye. And both Dirge and HoM provide +1 to masteries while Oggy doesn’t.

I actually always went by the logic that the more pets the better, +1 skills won’t do as much as one more pet, but seeing Napesh… :rolleyes: I think I should swap to something else… :smiley:

My experience with Og’Napesh was like this:

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I probably need to explain my sentiment a bit. If Napesh is significantly weaker than Chillmane, it could probably use some improvement, but I definitely do not think that any item based pet should be in any way build defining, or even remotely competitive with mastery pets. If item based pets were competitive with mastery based pets, those items would be are “basically required”. The last time a single item gave an extra pet that was powerful, it was absolutely dominant in any build that could use it (Mythical Will of Bysmiel pre FG).

It shouldn’t be useless but it shouldn’t be BiS in any top tier build. The item could maybe be BiS, but not because of the pet it provides.

This just isn’t the way GD pets work in practice.

The current state of pet off-hands in general is definitely not great, as evident by the wide-spread use of Cataclym’s Eye. Pet builds are chronically skill-point starved, so +1 skills with a harder to get resistance is really hard to compete with in that context. No % damage bonus is going to do it. Even resistances and conversion are hard to sell without all skill bonuses. Diviner’s Codex offers 30% elemental resistance and great damage, but it’s not used outside Diviner builds anyway. Manifestarius has resistances, conversion and flat damage and it still doesn’t get used because it’s much easier to get those things elsewhere than +1 all skills.

Of course all of this is just my opinion, you’re welcome to disagree.

I do agree with that. But if a one point pet line does greater damage than a pet from an item, it’s not how it should be, right?

This does more damage than Napesh, buffs don’t really matter since they’re auras anyway. Level 75 version did slightly greater damage as 3/3/3/3 Hellhound, but after putting some points into it, to level 11 (base summon) if I am not wrong, Napesh didn’t really deal the same damage, it was way lower, which was good.

And, as basically all pets are offense focused, I’d rather see Napesh’s aura getting buffed instead. I am fine with him being the weakest (offensively) pet, because it’s getting redundant that all pets differ via skills, mostly. Would be nice if he was some sort of a tank, low damage, high defense, taunt, very good aura that supports other pets who are weaker in defense.

Or, if it won’t be a big deal, we can just ask to remake the book totally. :smiley:
Zantai: No, go dream somewhere else.
(I wrote that, not Zantai)

Well that’s funny. :smiley: I knew it’ll be the regular guy, the Flame Revenant or something similar even though I didn’t know what is the pet. :smiley: Okay, I just guessed right…

Sad but true

what an ugly look! the game is definitely in dire need of a visual overhaul to all the pets especially this one:eek:

Even in the pre-expac days of grim dawn, the Og’Napesh has very little value for a pet user in the end game, much less now after 2 xpacs

The revenant pet is very much useless. It neither tanks well (even during the those days when pet resistances/DA/health wasnt as important) nor do enough DPS during its brief moments for it to count vs the pet bonus of the Wyrmclaw, which ended up as the better epic off hand to use in those days.

Furthermore, for a pet user, due to the need to have skill points invested in pets as well as non pet related skills for buffs/debuffs or devotion triggers, even +3 to two applicable skills isnt as worth it as a +1 to all skills of a class, much less a +2 for the mythical epic off hands.

I just came back to the game after a long break (lost all my saves) and i’m trying
to make a conjurer that uses Og’napesh and Salazar’s reverant.
But i feel like Napesh is hitting like a wet noodle, even the empowered and mythical
version doesn’t have any extra skills or boosted damage.

Was this pet abandoned by Crate devs ?.

it’s possible it wasn’t given as much attention during the pet buff patch because it was “never” considered that meta popular
I think Dirge of Arkovia skeletal servant did get pretty buffed by comparison maybe? - but if so it was also directly highlighted during playtest atleast as i recall
old Napesh stats Grim Dawn Pet Database ( new Grim Dawn Pet Database
has threat generation now, more %WD on attacks, defence buff lowered from 35 to 18sec cd
Unsure if GT is correct, but doesn’t seem like it’s regular attack skills got cooldown lowered like class pets, but is still slightly buffed compared to before atleast

if nothing else it might be worth remembering to bring up/highlight extra in next playtest, if it doesn’t happen/get buffed automatically from Z seeing the thread revived

I wouldn’t consider the threat generation an upgrade since it starts with 0% innate aether and chaos resistance, so it will always be behind hellhound and familiar, forcing you to over-invest in aether/chaos if you want it to tank.

not sure i get that comparison?
innate res doesn’t really matter “unless you’re specifically an occultist/only an occultist”
you’re gonna get and need aether/chaos res regardless on most pet builds/your other pets don’t have starter aether/chaos res so they need res too anyway
and threat just means it’s not useless in terms of aggro generation, doesn’t mean it’s supposed to outclass a tank or taunt pet just that it actually is useful for some threat

well it is a fire skeleton so it fits very well with korvaak burning blade and chosen visage builds,
but combined with occultist pets it is lacking in aether/chaos and with necro pets it is lacking in vitality resist. So I would rather have it not draw any attention and focus on spellcasting.

like i said, it wont out draw aggro on a taunting pet, it’s just not useless in terms of you tanking :sweat_smile: it also wont out aggro higher effective non tank pets like skeletons, but similarly like them you’re not relying on them to out tank briar/bf etc, they just not useless in terms of not out generating aggro from you, right?

and again, innate res doesn’t matter, unless you’re an exclusive pet, mono pet on mono class, because you’re going to need res regardless
If you’re a cabalist, you will need vit res because your puppy and bird doesn’t have it even if our boner bois and BF has some; ergo Napesh gets covered
If you’re a cabalist you’re going to need chaos and aether res regardless because your skeletons and BF has none…
the innate res doesn’t matter unless it perfectly overlaps, which it rarely does, even for ritualist you’re still going to need acid res, either because your fart fren doesn’t have 500 like briar, or because you’re using skeletons too which also needs it
It’s basically just a starter levelling bonus in most cases or an overcap bonus, which in either case wont really matter much in effect because you’re going to aim for 80 regardless.

oh I was talking about pyromancers and defilers to rake in all the damage bonuses from the items I was referring to.

with cabalists and conjurers I’m not sure I would ever bother with this pet, since then I already have plenty of better pets to add to my build.