[Feedback] Runebinder's set

My opinion is that,

if Superman who can manage everything to the strongest level is easily completed with one set of equipment,
the whole game will be very boring, and the meaning of many equipment will disappear is.

In that sense, the current Runebinder is a hybrid equipment that handles both weapon attacks and runes,
and is probably well above the average score.
Isn’t it?

Arcane Spark doesn’t work well with little %WD

Anderos has 270% less elemntal damage and 60% less energy absorb, so no, unfortunately :slightly_frowning_face:

No +1 to all skills, no res

OA + HP are desperately needed

In Cruci no problems, but in SR and even in campaign there are

hmmmm :smirk:

I would spread this conversion on shoulders and chest

@dabadabada @hammyhamster1
Like it was said Inq is strong as a support mastery. Arcanist was kind the same way few patches ago. After all buffs we have an all around decent mastery, and look how many builds appeared after changes.
I clearly understand why you think that Inq and Runebinder is ok, but its performance and facts clearly show that it’s a little underperform.
And, finally, I’m asking for little improvements, because in general set is ok like I said

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I would disagree.
Buffing runes leads to AoM situation, when everyone could use Hagarrad that was superstrong even without item support.
Better to buff the gear itself, so the runes would be the real power only with appropriate items

I understand what you say and agree ! :smiley_cat:

If there are no more strong OP characters (without thinking deeply) like Thunder Vindicator in this game , that’s OK for me.

I strongly agree that some builds with Inq is superstrong. Let’s leave it to Z.
Here we are discussing exact set and exact skills :slightly_smiling_face:

Some inquis builds are strong but not because of the attacking skills. Nerf the blanket good stuff it gets down to the general realm of the other masteries and it will be safe to bring up storm box, RoH and RoK

Tried Dmt’s build. I’d say an increase in energy regen would be reasonable. Dmt’s setup has spelldrinker, so in theory it shouldn’t have had any issues with energy. In practice though I had ran out of energy a few times in the crucible. Now, how bad would energy management be with full 5pc Runebinder? Thats 80% less absorption and 6 less flat energy regen. I’ve got some doubts even picking Harp would make up for that.


Just as Dmt says, it ’s better not to simply strengthen the inquisitor’s attack skills themselves.

This is because the inquisitor already has high support performance,
and if the attack skills in the default state are further strengthened,
it can be expected to generate excessive performance
when combined with a mastery with matching synergies.

If the rune is strengthened,
It seems reasonable to take some little action on items
that cannot be used with set equipment (already used in builds that are already producing excessive performance).
Something that is a little difficult to use may be better.

I still feel this is the case, but I’m not going to harp on it because at least it was addressed to some extent (took a long time though!). It is not the wps, or the ranged aspect, but the seal, Deadly aim (%AO, crit, %damage), extra resistances, and type bonus that gives strength - all in 3 easy and mandatory skill lines with soft-caps of 12. Not even counting RR.

Censure is probably reasonable now…and you can use horn if you can’t live without censure’s defense so you are never at a loss for those goodies.


Many are complaining about the energy but there is obviously a reluctance to detour from the optimal devotions and take some energy help. Or use devotions to make up holes necessitated from using augments with Regen (Arcanum Dust, anyone?).

But OK’s crapload of free energy regen is not helping the mentality. OK is bit like inquis was at the release of AoM, in that it still needs a few tweaks imho.

Pierce to ele conversion might break the set. In the runebinder world, pierce conversion is the domain of Silver Sentinel who can achieve crazy results with only one rune and without all the goodness of a purple +2 to all set, 20/20 Artifact, maxed seal, etc. I’d thread carefully there.

MY SOLUTION TO ALL RUNE PROBLEMS: de-nerf Hagarrad. Either up the damage so it’s proper AoE or limit the single target penalty to 15%. Nothing will be broken. Runebinder blocks the best Hagarrad gear and Silver Sentinel is a crit magnet, and nobody will play it anyway. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sure, I was just giving wild suggestions.

It works ok. It still has +20% regen. Problem is Tainted Heart is too good to drop. :wink:

Besides, way I see it, you mostly run out against single bosses due to not having many casts to absorb. And bosses are every leech resistant anyway.

Shhhhhhh. I just wanted to see the world burn

It’s a good idea. Runes are very interesting skill and need more buffs, after all nerf, because now they are weak skills. I think Runebinder sets need a buffs.

Censure is still an outlier IMO. 15%+ RTD that’s always up hands free is a considerable benefit on top of the hands free RR. Combined with seal this is a big part of why certain Inquis combinations are unusually tanky.

And how are you going to fix OA with Arcanum Dust?

Well, it’s not as fun as running with Seekers, but something like this more than doubles energy regen: doubled energy regen tweaks

You have to substitute something instead of seekers and maybe go with a boring fire proc. I do understand that it is hard to swallow harvestman in its current state (it has six nodes of average stuff and no proc whereas some T1s give 2-3 nodes of great stuff and a proc)

This is why I think if Harvestman’s Scythe got even more love it might not be shunned like the plague and could address a lot of these complaints. Some extra resists (maybe 10% aether, 2% physical, 10% stun resist) and maybe tiny bits of OA/DA. And even better would be to make it cost only 2 Order affinities instead of 3.

I must admit that you solved energy problem. Unfortunately, you did it in the cost if phys res, less res overcaps armor absorption and % to cold
Can’t see you devos now