[Feedback] Sad Stormreaver/Veilkeeper Druid feedback

so you can work it both ways? that’s literally what i just said
and what’s the harm in that?

dafuq is your argument at all here? or did you skim through half of what i said where i’m sorta agreeing with you/pointing out this isn’t a hybrid dmg build set but just a set that allows 2 different builds “equally”
you want to want, solve which issue in that?
killing aether veilkeeper brinder/ritualist, or killing lightning veilkeeper druid - because i’m arguing for neither and not sure if you are or if so why that would even be on the table

like, have we argued so much recently you’re now in my camp of wanting to argue just to argue? or did you misread me?

as for your notion aether upheaval wasn’t a thing

guess you forgot someone already made it, posted it and found it satisfactory, - guess you forgot you saw that
(and since it was officially forum posted per your prior definition it makes it a real build :grin:)