[Feedback] Terrify transmuter on War Cry is a blast from the past - it needs total overhaul

Which you are very good at imo!

That part it pretty whatever for me personally, but a spell is perfectly designed imo when it is partly flavour/fun (which is often useless for endgame minmaxing) and partly useful even for min/maxing endgame. In this case I am assuming that the fear part is the flavour part and the 10 flat RR is the “serious endgame” part. 10 flat RR is sadly completely useless though. Either buff it to like 18 (6 point) flat, which might seem like a lot for three points, but it a) doesn’t stack and b) is combined with a fear which usually has a negative impact on clearspeed (except for ranged builds), or you might just remove it (the flat RR part) completely or replace it with sth else.

Then again there are also more important things than this, so feel free to ignore this for now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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