[Feedback] Terrify transmuter on War Cry is a blast from the past - it needs total overhaul

So someone mentioned it in EoR Warlord thread, and I have realised that it’s something that I have never seen used anywhere. And it’s obvious why, it’s totally outdated - Terrify has been removed from the game (thank God) and flat RR value seems meaningless.

I don’t even have suggestions, because it’s so bad that literally anything here will be better. But I believe something has to be done about it.


+1. We have a multiple sources of flat rr in devotions and skills, and getting only 10 of it for 3 skill points seems like throwing them out of a window.
Maybe the transmuter should be removed at all, or replaced with sth useful (dunno what, actually).

Hello i dont understand what you saying: only -10 for 3 points, break moral gives -2 for each point this one gives -3. So i dont call it throwing those 3 out of a window or maybe something i didnt understand explain me ?

Break Morale and Terrify’s RR do not stack. Flat RR like the one from Break Morale/Terrify/Rhowan’s Crown, Revenant etc. does not stack. And 10 flat RR for other damage types is way too low, given that non physical Soldiers will always use Revenant or something like RR from Grasp of Unchained Might Ring of Steel mod on Blademasters.

Put some stun or flat physical damage on it, maybe even both. Stun might be nice for soldier builds who don’t take Doom, since it’ll give them a little more CC ability on top of the skill disrupt. Damage mods on War Cry are trash anyway, but at least blowing up a few enemies by yelling in their faces might be kind of fun and thematically fitting.

Yes, it’s old school, it’s also still there for those that like seeing enemies scatter after a big war cry.

No plans to change it.

They have must have scattered after you have almost completely removed Terrify procs from the game because I haven’t seen anyone complain about that. Probably because it was a great move.

But maybe increase flat RR value?

Yeah…the only people that play hang out on the forum/discord… :roll_eyes:

Not for 3 points I won’t.

You could make it one point instead of three though (with same values). That wouldn’t make it op while also reducing the amount of points wasted by people on a noob trap.

You use this argument quite often and it’s semi valid, but how do you actually know what those people want?

I don’t think is possible mechanically to decreased the transmuter from 3 to 1 point, otherwise people will lose skill points.

But agree with @mad_lee, that it’s really bad and people don’t use it. Especially in Crucible and open campaign map it’s pain to chase enemies fleeing from you.

My proposal is to make it have flat DA shred. Blitz’s blindside already have, so it’s not something that brakes the game and same time will makes it valuable for builds that don’t use blitz or don’t invest many points. Plus DA shred on War Cry is thematically appropriate too.

A) Experience as a gamedev who made a product that the silent majority are presently playing.
B) If people really did or didn’t want something changed they’d make an account somewhere (reddit, the forums, the discord, etc.) and voice their opinion.

Obviously neither one is a catch-all, but I’d wager it’s a safe bet that if someone isn’t passionate enough about a suggestion to spend 5 minutes making a forum account and writing a short forum post, it’s probably not that necessary of a suggestion in the first place.

That being said a few years ago one of my friends had a few ideas for the game but couldn’t be bothered to make a forum account and post them here (or, rather, “there” to the old forums). But I relayed a few of his thoughts, and you can thank him for having Main Quests marked by a star in the quest log. :wink:

Edit: @RektbyProtoss come on, man, I ain’t got all night to wait for your thesis.

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True, I forgot about that mechanic, thx for reminding!

Flat OA shred would be even more fitting imo, but maybe too strong.

That’s pretty much what I thought it is, but maybe big Z got another trick up his sleeve which he is willing to share (unlikely though).

Which is why I personally find it a little odd that I see Z write that argument rather often.

~99% of suggestions came from people who are passionate about the game (and thus participate in the forums), so for me personally that makes everyone not writing anything in these forums a little less passionate about the game. Should suggestions from people participating in the forum be ignored, just because people who don’t participate in the forums haven’t started posting in the forums? Seems like there is a logical error somewhere… I do understand though that since “only” @mad_lee brought this topic and no horde of fresh forum posters joined his side, it probably is not a big deal and no changes need to be done. How do you know how many people really want to keep the terrify and useless flat RR on warcry though? The best way would be to change it, wait for backslash and then revert the Change, wouldn’t it? Unless enough people start being vocal against that before the change gets implemented.

PS: sry for bad formatting and bad englando, stuck on mobile for some time

Lmao, sry mobile speed


I’m with Z on this. It’s a gimmick but gimmicks are fun for some ppl. But that rr could see a little lift to to put a smile on the faces of non-phys soldiers who frown at Rhowan’s Crown and Revenant (and Manticore and last but not least Sacred Strike). 5 per point till 15, maybe?

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I think the logical error is you’re ever so slightly twisting my words.

I don’t doubt that everyone here is fairly passionate about the game. I also don’t doubt that a good chunk of people who aren’t here are also very passionate about the game - possibly moreso than we are!

But there’s a difference between loving the game and loving an idea for the game. I have shitty ideas all the time but I only let Zantai(/the forums) see the ones that I think have the best chance of eliciting a sarcastic response are the most reasonable for the game.

Thank you Mr. quest :star2: guy! People forwarding ideas to pretorians is always welcome.

I just wanted to spin the threads a little longer and show you how your words can be twisted :wink: I know that doesn’t actually reflect your stance.

While I hope you are right, that is just a speculation. Decisions made just in speculation usually don’t have the best results (on average).

Being vocal is good :slight_smile: and even If ideas are shitty at least they amuse the forum, so still a win!
TL;DR: bring on your ideas/opinions people! Even If they are “honest as fuck” :upside_down_face: (ideally without being bitter and without insulting the devs and without making rediculous comparisons).

I used it in my first build because devo and gear had strong restrictions and i didn’t have flat pierce RR anywhere else. But i agree that terrify part of it is kinda bad. Maybe rework the terrify itself? Some monsters run away way too far. It’s kinda contrary to the very spirit of the game - go out, find and fight monsters. Would be nice if terrify was some kind of blend of confuse and immobilize.

In a thread about old vanilla skills i suggested some stat debuffs on WC but some weren’t mechanically possible.

Say flat OA/DA debuff

stuff like that. i doubt Zantai will increase RR and make Soldier a sudden jack of all trades

Thx for the Insight.
So what are our realistic options for this transmuter then?

CDR and damage. Bring back singerbarbs!

Players love to use that argument too. :smiley:

In truth, I don’t, nobody does. Cause we’re definitely not getting direct feedback from the million+ players the game has and no player has some psychic link with the rest of the “silent majority” they love to quote for support.

But, as Ceno said, this is my job, and the ARPG community is extremely varied (I would put ARPGs up there with MMO communities as far as diversity of interests/fun), and we know from years back that there are people out there that do like the gimmicks like the Fear effect on War Cry. The Transmuter isn’t hurting endgame diversity, so there is no harm for it to keep existing.

Thing to remember is that this is a 3-pointer. If the values are too tempting then they can undermine the choice of taking a Transmuter. This is already borderline problematic with things like Searing Might/Strike, but those were made long ago to fine-tune specific playstyles independently.