[Feedback] Useless Monster Infrequents

oh no, that would kill 2 and a half builds. would be a tragedy but im not sure whether physical damage can
get any noticeably worse.

:scorv: maybe also make cadence’s mods apply to all hits, if youre hiring a prog.

i explicitly say about effective levelling in the OP. I have no doubts that one can level with all the items above however they might as well use random greens/blues for it. its the same logic as with builds - balancing around worse version (of a build) just doesnt make much sence.

hm, peak players on steam according to steam charts is 4741 in the lattest 30 days. Adding like 600 from GoG (given that most players are on Steam) and unknown amount of chinese players (they shouldn’t be listed in steam stat, right?) we get roughly 6k players. I know 31 people on discord and according to my calculations about 24 endgame players on forums, also seen about 20 chinese players on their platform. (31+24+20)/6000 is certainly bigger than 1%.

i think minus cd would be fair for both the RoS and Blitz. Adding +1 to shaman is also an option i guess.

have to disagree in this particular case. If one is doing chaos AoM theres only one option - Voidsoul. And the conversion isnt even on the full set - its on shield, so one dont need to use the full set to get it.

This is some good math that totally ignores what “peak players” means.


They’ve always had a programmer (Rhis). I just assume they avoid cracking open the old TQ engine code unless they absolutely have to.

And you completely missed his point. There is one major option at endgame. If someone wants to play Chaos Aegis before Level 94, it’s either they play a completely different playstyle for ~90 levels and farm a specific Legendary/hope for it through set re-rolling or they pick up a Lagoth’Ak Voidbinding and play Chaos Aegis from earlier on than the alternative.

and its not like i said that leveling chaos AoM is a niche as it gets and one would probably be better
leveling with anything else and then picking AoM.

fair enough but i cant seem to find the unique players per x time stat. Though i very highly doubt that with peak being 4k and average 2.7k, unique would be anything much higher.

allow me to chime in on this, having done a spam chaos bwc purifier “recently”
first of, animation projectile speed matters zilch as far as this goes. Get decent cast speed and the hurdle is reasonable, even if it wont be top competitive, but it remains more than fairly playable
however, this MI has a couple of issues aside from that.
1, it’s sole use would be for leveling only, if you go chaos cocktails later Sigil of Ch’thon is just miles better, because it adds flat dmg chaos BWC needs
2, since it’s for leveling purposes only then, means the point of acquisition, unless you twink, is gonna be fairly late; and why transition into chaos by then?
3, fire BWC has better and more mods/MIs, offhand being reasonably obtainable too, and both it and slathsarr adds flat dmg that’s actually useful for leveling, spam or High Potency.
4, even ignoring everything above, it has a major problem, which persists at the end but is problematic during leveling too: Mana management is a giant clusterfrack of PITA on spam, spam being sorta the “only” thing that makes sense chaos-wise in my mind

Chaos has the benefit of being lesser resisted than fire, so you’d think it would be okay leveling as chaos spam BWC vs fire, and yet, assuming because of zarthuzellan mod and combined flat dmg, fire spam is way smoother, even if far from “smooth”, because mana…

Lagoth medal needs something major to justify its use for chaos BWC leveling imo, otherwise there are better medals for leveling, and a pittance of bonus dmg to thermite mines aint it

anyway, that’s my grumpy opinion after my chaos cocktail purifier, feel free to ignore this pleb pov


There are a dozen other methods of levelling that are inferior to the community’s accepted way of levelling quickly and efficiently, should we neuter those from new players as well?

if the levelling way is inefficient/slow/unreliable than the item can pretty much be changed/buffed w/o loosing in value.

Horn of Gandarr has only one MI and it converts piercing to acid. Wish there was a cold version too, doesn’t even need conversion, just - cooldown and maybe flat cold.
Leveled with cold gandarr and it’s nice aoe + perma confusion, lacks damage vs high hp enemies though. I think that’s the point of the skill, massive cc and aoe, also damage reduction, but would be fun to doot a bit faster at lower levels, before it becomes a CT at level 94 with all -cd modifiers. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Helmets are done and the feedback is finished.

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For me it’s as simple as with the amulets some time ago. For many builds you need a very good reason to choose a helm that doesn’t have +1(/+1) to all skills.

Ravager’s helm with its +1/+1, 4% cdr and health/leech is a very good baseline to balance things. When you make smth off-beat, green or a build around the set without the helm, Ravager’s or Calla’s helms are the way to go. Legendary pieces (in rare cases epic pieces) surpass them in a lot of cases so you can’t say Celestial helms are OP.

Using Celestial helms as a baseline makes it much easier to balance green helms and realise how useless most of them are.

Depends on build. I use this on cold ABB spam spellbreaker (yes, it’s a meme but whatever) and even without +mastery it’s better than all other options I’ve tried. Venomancer does not support cold, and the % weapon damage you get from it pales in comparison to the 140 flat you get from Gargoyle Gaze (acid is converted to cold so you get full benefit).

Also arguable, generic phys rr isn’t that easy to come by for some builds and Devouring Swarm already has a phys rr conduit to go along with this. Got a Korvan Wyrm Vindicator that uses both to get a -30 % phys rr with 7 second duration off of 1 skill point investment from these two items. Having +mastery on a helmet isn’t always better than getting 15 % extra damage from rr.

While I don’t entirely disagree with the sentiment, I’m not sure removing such a desirable stat from people’s items is a good direction at this point, even if we dispersed it across various MIs.

This is like the embodiment of the attitude I’ve been describing earlier.

You really have to be detached from the majority of the playerbase to consider a superboss item that most people never see as the standard for tuning.

Celestial items are rewards for pinnacle challenges, not something we’d ever use as a baseline.


could be cool tho image


then upgrade celestial helms to get +2 all skills to still be special :smirk:


Just move those skill mods to Wind Devils so the builds aren’t a complete cancer to play. Devouring Swarm is a pain on everything except bleed builds that don’t need to constantly apply RR.




I assume helm MIs etc. don’t have %cdr becuase of the %cdr affixes. If one got both %cdr bonuses it would result in a higher %cdr than the common 4/6% %cdr on gear.
There are however some MIs and crafts that have a %cdr stat and can roll a %cdr affix.

Salazar’s Sovereign Blade, Adept’s Dagger, Master’s Spellblade and Bargoll’s Core. I don’t count %cdr shields with Chronomancer affix, because they reach values comparable to caster offhands.

Not sure if that’s intended. At first I thought it’s because Salazar and Bargoll are pet MIs so they don’t get a %cdr affix like Magi and stuff (those don’t affect pets), but they actually have a Seer afix that gives %cdr. Adept and Master crafts also can get %cdr affixes, unless Grimtools just allows for it (same for pet MIs) and there is some restriction that denies those weapons of a %cdr affix.

in what world would that make it better? image
wind devils still need cast speed, and you’ll be spamming them every 4.5 secs instead of what every 5+secs on swarm?
not to mention i think the point of the mods being on swam is that’s where the RR already exists, either obv natively vit, or conduit addition for phys RR

the casque is neat to level with, not like you’ll be enjoying spamming wind devils on a phys/vit/bleed build either way, it’s main problem is for endgame even with those mods it’s outclassed by other helm’s existing, and the mods aren’t big enough to compete, strangely enough, “regular” generic legend helm mods just outdo the RR and dmg combined somehow, and you’re better off with those (which still confuses me even after trying @_@)

but moving the mods to wind devils is hardly any form of solution imo

Don’t people constantly complain about having to resummon wind devils for them to constantly apply their RR? Plus more complaining on how they are slow.

How that is any better than Devouring Swarm is beyond me.