[Feedback] Useless Monster Infrequents

Transmuted arc? Really? Isn’t that an another example of an absolutely not suited for levelling skill? High cooldown, melee range.

Tbh I’m like 90% sure CoS does most of the job.

Indeed, but speedrunning of campaign is super niche. People in general are more interested in speedlevelling, which is practical. And they are pretty much the direct opposites in approach.

I used both. CoS for everything and transmuted Arc on top for bosses.

Indeed, I just didn’t want it to be left unmentioned here.


In the vast sea of Grim Dawn items, we do sometimes end up with overlapping itemization, and when superior options already exist, one does find themselves asking why an item needs to exist. That is an opportunity though to try something new, as is the case I would say with the Wendigo Barb.

Acid AA has no shortage of weapons available. I wonder if it’d be fun to give Acid Necro more options. The Scion of Noxious Wounds is already getting a hefty boost for the Necro side of things in the upcoming update, but the Wendigo Barb could become another; or perhaps it could create something absolutely meme-y. I’m picturing Aether to Acid conversion.

I took a look at the drop rate for the two Wendigo swords, and it looks like it’s unintentionally competing with one of the medals on the Wendigo Ancients. We’ll clear that up and raise the drop rate. The three Wendigo minibosses can also afford to drop these much more reliably.

A Markovian’s Advantage bleed damage bonus on the Wendigo Claw seems reasonable. Looks like it also only has +2 to MA when it’s meant to have +3, so we’ll fix that.

Soulfire is already getting a baseline increase in damage for v1.1.9.2.

Kymon’s Sanctified Blade could use +3 to Soulfire for starters. Eye of Reckoning is a finnicky skill to balance, but Lightning has historically been the weakest link. That said, I am wary of making huge swings. We can try 13% for the modifier and go from there.

I can also see adding a Mirror of Ereoctes mod for something ridiculous if perhaps not endgame worthy.

Sandclaw Slicer doesn’t feel especially unique anymore with Targo’s Craft around. It does serve a leveling role, but we could give it some help on the higher end.

For starters, the Physical modifier for Blade Arc needs to differentiate more from Targo’s Mallet, so one thing to try would be a larger modifier and some life steal.

I could also see some modifiers for Presence of Virtue so as not to skew improvements entirely towards Soldier. May be fun to keep the theme with the other raptor axes and add some form of 50% Conversion to Physical, but I’m wary of that being abused on a Warlord. 50% Aether to Physical instead? Totally not niche on this item. :stuck_out_tongue:

So dramatic!

Let’s not forget that virtually every item is well beyond viable for the vast majority of players, even the items you don’t consider as good leveling material. This is especially relevant for MIs.

When we are having these balancing discussions, we are talking about changes relevant to a very small niche of our player base; changes I am happy to review as I consider a healthy endgame to be a worthy endeavor, but it’s not going to have a huge impact on most of our players.


acid melee necro support is well, fine, however aether conversion is something that i dont think is useful. Acid Necro belt already has it, as well as putrid necklace. moreover, the conversion is just redundant to necro, as the only aether damage is on the spectral binding, and its not like this flat value is notable to begin with. I’d suggest adding %acid damage and % cold converted to acid to spectral binding instead, as this conversion is both rare and important, especially given that necro has Soul Harvest.

UPD: on a second thought, this mod could be added to Call of the Grave with either prolonged duration or reduced CD.

The droprate change is great, i like it and it will impact levelling for a lot of bleeding shamans.

I dont think %wd increased will do anything at all, especially given how many problem lightning EoR has (and how many problems EoR has). To begin with, cindertouch could use %as added, as they are an important slot for this archetype however due to lightning itemization one finds themself not only playing single rr lightning non-arcanist build, but also having poor %as.

50% physical converted to physical and we have a deal.

That can be said about virtually any balance tweak done in GD ever but, ehm, so what?
im glad that balancing is still being done, even if it impacts 3% of playerbase.


A generous value.


I am very, very curious whether that would make it bypass Armor. I genuinely have no idea.


it would:

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Good to know…



Physical being converted to physical causing it to bypass armor is serious

So that is why double conversions are not allowed? To prevent pure Physical Damage builds from destroying every game content? Totally makes sense :crazy_face:.

Part two is done.


well, this may look like sth for 3-elemental proc deceiver/MH.Actually, ABB mod seems redundant here. Maybe replace it with +2 to AoC of sth like that and boost mods a bit. Like flat&duration to WoP, extra radius to AoC, sth like that. Maybe add aether-> ele conversion.

maaaaaay be used in some gimmicky chaos pyromancer but that’s it.

Speaking about Rag’Nathar’s Maw, I can only just scratch my head and ask myself who tf would ever use it. Like … it’s a caster 2H without any cs/cdr which is crucial and we already have Black Flame that supports chaos sigils. So taking this weapons here makes 0 sense, same as taking it anywhere.

Relatively minor use case but I recall putting this on Obsidian Juggernaut pyro just to get more damage out of my mine investments. Maw would be a non-starter there

Um, I know this thread is more about skill mods mostly, but I was thinking about Kravall Shoulderguards. Clearly it’s designed for cold PB’s, but if you gonna play cold PB’s, you’ll be using Harra set - far as endgame is concerned. Leveling value of this item is also highly questionable. That said, I’m not asking to change this item drastically, but rather make a tiny little addition: give it +3 to Brimstone. Yeah, cold Fire Strike - both melee and ranged - is a thing, but Brimstone points can only be found on fire/chaos items. I know Haunted Shoulderpad has it, but it converts chaos to elemental =\

For RagNadar’s Maw I was thinking chaos Mortar Trap support. Like really, skill points to Mortar are pretty seldom, and with chaos variation you’ll be lucky to get it to 24/16. So how about 100% lightning to chaos + 1-2 seconds CD reduction to Mortar Trap? Maybe also 1m radius or something. Hm?

I use it to hardcap Hellfire Mine on my Aether/Chaos AAR Sorcerer.

Not necessarily. You can use it with Morgoneth’s set to make a Cold/Vitality PBlades Reaper.

Both aren’t “top notch” builds but GD’s itemization makes it possible to do it. Not every MI will be used in endgame or leveling and that’s fine by me. All the options make for some interesting builds! :sunglasses:

Sure, of course you can combine stuff however you want. But that’s the thing: both sets use shoulder slot. Rimetongue as well. So basically, you have to break the full set to receive some modest benefit out of those shoulders. Anyway, if stuff is added and not changed/removed, it will obviously not affect anyone who used that item beforehand.

Cold Fire Strike Purifier aint exactly a “meta” either, so I thought it could use a hand? =)

Does anyone have a good build using Spectral Maul? I find it too weak for both melee or caster aspects. Btw most 2handed MIs for caster struggle with no CDR.

I suggested that weapon to provide bleeding damage aswell. On the other hand, that weapon has leveling purpose for 2H vitality Ritualist builds and can be used till you get Wildblood Crusher.

I’ve played chaos aegis sentinel, and for medal slot I choose Basilisk Fang despite Voidbinding give more chaos damage. Reason being it’s not that hard to overcap Aegis on chaos build and Basilisk offer adcth. Would be glad if Voidbinding get +Avenging Shield instead.


You’re right, it is about time I had a programmer look into this interaction and put an end to the obsession over a quirk in the engine.

“Share prices in converted Physical builds took a tumble Thursday when Crate hinted at making armor apply to them after all.”

So you are often underestimating an item’s value to, well…most everybody else.

Also more like 1%, or less. :wink:

I agree with the general sentiment around the MI necklaces that don’t have a + Mastery bonus. Their modifiers need more oomph to compete.

I was already looking at the Servitor’s Corruptor after its sibling items got brought up in this thread, some baseline Chaos support outside of the Cadence hit will be helpful.

I know you guys have every item in the game or just GDStash what you need, but that’s not going to work for most everybody. There is no redundant Conversion, there are just additional options.

Simply leftover from the item’s original inception so nobody’s quirky use of BWC was hurt by the patch that changed the supported skills. No need for this part of the item to be “endgame viable” if it’s not.

I suppose that’s not out of the question.


“Players accuse Crate of pumping and dumping Physical options.”