[Observation] Physical damage interaction with armor behaves like conversion

It’s not a secret, that converted physical damage ignores armor completely. However, it’s still obscure how exactly does this work. I didn’t find a direct answer for this question, but I found this:

even when we convert physical damage to phys, it still ignores armor. Thus, I’d say that it is in fact a conversion. But my hypothesis is based only on this test and on the couple of others.

Im looking forward any other suggestion. Or maybe, someone even knows the mechanism behind it.


Not sure what’s to discover. How it’s coded? Is not ‘Physical Damage from conversion ignores armor’ a definite answer? Please correct me if I’m missing something. Still nice observation you’ve made.

What do you mean by converting physical damage to physical ?

He means nonexistent in-game Phy to Phy conversion that he created with some tools. You can see it in the video.

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Oh I see, okay I did not noticed that thank you for answer. Imo it’s silly that converted physical damage from some other damage type does not apply to armor value. It completely overwrites the physical damage build logic. And because of this rule, using other class combinations to make a physical damage build are more advantaged than warder, warlord etc.

I think it’s working as intended on this one.

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You’re right I forgot that lightning to physical conversions.

It’s not even the conversion. It’s the lack of RR and shamans AS being tied to savagery that sets up avenger as the one trick pony of physical warder.

i just want to know the hell is going on with armor and physical damage.
and then I discover that armor interaction and conversion share the same slot (?)

Like - why it’s happening and how to fix it? Because it’s something happening with the games code and devs cannot easily solve this. Hence, one handed non converted physical damage is underperforming.

Also, there’s this thing, that small amounts of phys flat (augment, warborn) are completely useless.

  1. Normal physical damage goes through armor, then phys res
  2. Converted physical damage goes through phys res
  3. You have reached the end of the universe, there are no additional mechanics.

thanks, I knew that.
my question is - why it’s happening.
Because, it seems that the very fact of conversion ruins the proper interaction with armor.

It simply coded this way. It’s an oversight.
Like for example Fire to X and Elemental to X conversions not stacking intuitively.

Yes, but it doesn’t ruin the whole fire archetype.

I wish devs would just embrace this bug and just work around it. Like for example make Cadence damage Elemental by default and make transmute convert it to Physical or something. Or maybe make base of something like Warborn Gavel Vitality and add conversion to the set or item.

Because dual-wield Physical is just not in a good place unless it utilizes this conversion trickery.


it’s a really strange thing how phys and converted phys damage interact with armor.
I have a Spellscourge battlemage and, despite of some mods for BA, 1h BA literally sucks and is good only for clearing trash mobs, while Devastation - that’s in fact converted phys damage - does the job and melts enemies.
the problem is that all small amounts of phys damage - probably all values smaller that sth like 100 flat - get tremendously shredded by armor (this also makes phys augments nearly useless).
and the fact that phys damage converted to itself bypasses armor, sounds like a complete joke.

what can be done?
lowering enemies’ armor values/phys resist.
adding armor reduction (to Oleron’s proc), on War Cry transmuter, anywhere else.
or fixing finally this odd connversion and making it work properly.


Or revise the flat physical damage items in order to give more stats. Yes they are useless I know but build needs the other stats on the gears and augments too, not just flat phys damage so buffing other stats might recover the lost damage. Or delete flat physical damage on armor completely and buff the % phys damage.

here are 2 pretty min-maxed phys builds:
they both have high OA, % damage, Death Knight also has high flat damage and a -% phys RR.
but they have almost identical clear speed what sounds like a joke.
also, bumping stats has its own borders when OA (e.g.) increasing starts giving diminishing returns.
also, it’s just unhealthy when a single damage type needs litres of hormones especially for it to compete with other damage types.

Death Knight looks more powerful on sheet interesting. I’m pushing this one in SR rn, gonna open a thread for it in a few days, I’m just focused on MI farming before the new patch https://www.grimtools.com/calc/aZqP8v9V

I can reach 280k dps with buffs on sheet but the build having diffuculties againts high armor creatures. Now imagine the damage if all the flat phys damage from augments and armor calculated together before armor check. This build should reach SR 65 easily on paper but not exactly in the real game…

the phys builds that actually struggle are 1h/dw builds. 2handers already have huge base damage that wrecks through armor.

Maybe but I’m not having the exact damage output that stats shows either. The build has high armor, high hp, good resistances, nice attack speed, over 3k OA and DA, -102 physical RR and massive weapon damage but it’s still slow…