[Observation] Physical damage interaction with armor behaves like conversion

No, it should do easily SR 65 as it is. With more lifesteal it should be able to do more.

It does but not easily, I die a lot in boss rooms. It has low phys resist and haven’t forced more than 60 yet. I also can’t get more lifesteal without loosing the whole resistance balance or I have to give up on Azrakaa.

the problem that you have called “2H cadence”. You’d better chose Blade Arc

Then it would be a different build that requires whole different gear. But what do you exactly mean by 2H Cadence? I’m not experienced that much, I’m playing since the february with a little bit more than 800h playtime however I haven’t played with the majority of classes and builds yet.

2H cadence is in really bad state because of damage spread on 2H. Something like 120-800. So your cadence hit with 500% WD can vary from 120 * 500% to 800 * 500%. Which is very inconsistent, because your lifeleech also depends on the amount of damage you deal.

I’m aware of that but that’s nothing to do with cadence, it’s valid for all the 2H melee weapons and the skill that uses that weapon’s damage. Blade Arc or any other skill won’t change the inconsistency. Infact that makes the Cadence the best option to deal higher amount of damage occasionally, it’s like crit damage. You can’t control that yes but it’s a higher chance for higher damage. With a skill that has lower weapon damage multiplier you are still occasionally hit higher damage and lower damage.

it will. BA in comparison has absolutely better AoE and consistent life leech as the %WD value is stable.

cadence is not like blade arc. only your 3rd hit deals actuall damage, the rest is just white (regular) attacks. So being unlucky affects your survivability more, because you need to hit 3 more times to get cadence proc. Blade arc is very consistent in that case, because your next “try” is the next hit.

It’s always stable, the problem is just you hit two regular attacks before the WD multiplier. and that’s the cost of %500. Let’s calculate, let’s say I have 100 physical damage, I hit two 100 damage with regular attack then hit 500 and it’s 700 damage for three attacks. Then calculate same 100 damage with three %160 multiplier. Cadence has more damage, the problem is the weapon not the cadence.

Same goes for here. You’re all right and I’m aware all of it. If the problem is lifesteal yes, it’s inconsistant because of that two regular attacks but the third attack doesn’t change the weapon’s 144-740 damage variety. It’s the same variety with blade arc and etc. We’re talking about the damage output.

Hell that’s why 2H melee physical damage builds are insufficient in end game. The problem is the weapons’ damage variation along with the flat physical damage on the augments and gears.

This is true, kind of the reason why I’m making all these tests and posting feedback.

That is not true, in fact, the only working physical (non converted) melee builds are 2H (Blade arc). Because the base damage in ONE source is high enough to bypass the armor.
Here is the previously-best-physical-build-in-the-game.


When you use BA, you kinda deal great amount of DoT and the build you linked also has nice bleeding damage so they’re not purely physical damage builds. My build has also small amount of bleeding and a little bit more Trauma but they’re like less than %10 of the whole damage dealt by it. The reason that I made that Warlord because I want to see how to perform a physical build without high amount of DoT. I started that build as bleeding with BA and I got bored of it. Only after that I decided to change it to more physical damage.

PS: DoT with a 2h melee is too much overkill. You can just hit and run, and DoT’s don’t steal life…

The only way to get more lifesteal is this https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YZeBr7dN losing %4 as, 2.1k weapon damage(which probably lower my sheet dps 10-15k), %10 elemental resistance and 90-100 DA, 150 armor. Also lost Azrakaa proc. Gaining %5 lifesteal, %8 crit damage and 50 OA. I can try after the build thread. I could send you a message and not go off the subject in this thread but your profile is private.

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