[Feedback] Why can't Soldier have 100% War Cry uptime?

The Campaign of Grim Dawn, this odd, back-end thing that only the vast majority of players (based on sales) cares about, contests players with up-close beefy enemies and far-away damaging enemies. As a result, generally you want high damage up-close and debuffs to extend far and wide so that something at the edge of your screen doesn’t drop a meteor on your head and annihilate you (are some of you still avoiding Aleks in the Campaign, btw?).

This is of course quite different from the manic swarms of Crucible.

or a timed debuff that is almost as long as the CD and needs to be used at the right time rather than spam …Barb singers in D2 :smiley:

Which is why i suggested some changes in my first post.

You want more CD, I wanted that. Just my opinion and the direction i’d like to see it go towards

At the end of the day WC needs to be a bit more fun to use so some good might come out of all this

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hahaha, no, none of the top-tier Crucible or SR builds would ever back off against any Campaign Nemesis

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Well, for me it’s like, and yes i understand that especially Crucible Players don’t “care” much about that, and is more about how “effective” it is, but i voted for no due it’s “part” of the Playstyle and also the fitting way for the Skill itself. I mean the Skill is called “War Cry” and not “Aura of War”… and that’s why i expect from such a skill to be a more active skill which i need to use to activate it and, not as passive or a active passive (or toggable passive - sorry language barrier).

I simply like it to dash into enemies, make a war cry and than use my other skills, because in that way the Class plays more active and define a different “playstyle”, instead of having more of an Paladin Aura-Style playstyle where you have aura’s up and care about one or few sole Damage Skills.

I mean if you find a good way, to keep war cry the way it is as a playstyle and “buff” it so it might fit more the consistency of other Skills in terms how effective is… okay, that’s one thing, but i’m not fond of the idea to change it from a active debuff to a aura debuff / active passive debuff.

/Edit: Also i enjoy the skill in Multiplayer as a “aggro” skill for trashmobs…

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What about reducing both the skill cd and it’s duration? It would be really nice to have it more readily available to mitigate incoming damage on demand, and it would be more interactive and fun to use. ‘Crap there comes a big ass greenish meteor —> WC’. Nooow that would depend on how the game works, mainly if the damage reduction would affect skills already cast…

If game mechanics allow it, I would keep break morale’s debuff duration the same, to prevent dps loss from actual values when there’s no need to mitigate damage.


Warcry is in a good spot, i dont see why there is a need to change it up, its already a STRONG skill. Not overpowered, but strong.

Its effect is powerfull, but it cant be mantained. It also hits the whole screen, which is a huge upside compared to other damage reduction skills out there. And if you really REALLY want constant uptime on it, just invest into it. Either warborn, or the messengers MI, or just cdr. Its a screen wide AOE that nukes the heck out of everything, reduces its damage output not only trough the % dmg reduction, but also skill disruption (which people often times forget), and reduces resistances in 2 ways. Its a crazy skill, that if anything would need a nerf and not a buff.


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