My guess is you are using 1 - 3 other skills in that exact moment and sometimes it’s the War Cry that’s left out.
To add something to the topic - the default 7.5s often felt like an eternity to me. Even with a lot of CDR, max rolls from Ultos for example, you still don’t have permanent damage reduction which doesn’t seem right to me.
I know many people don’t like the effects of Terrify.
The sight of chasing Mob, who actually escapes, is humorous.
However, it is somewhat useful with Deep SR. Reduces damage and increases survivability.
Yes, probably because of that. The display is depressed, but returns without graying out. I’ve been giving it up since I thought it was a specification.
Krieg and Warborn are extremely alike tho: single target melee (supposedly) heavy-hitting dw/s&b Cadence Soldiers wearing heavy armor, just different flavour. They even have one class in common: Death Knight.
And as @Maya said here one archetype having better WC uptime then the other one “for the sake of difference” is a bit weird. If you really want to make them different, add Petrify effect to Krieg’s WC and change its colour to greenish or something. Right now the whole difference is just uptime, that’s it.
And it feels like you want the builds to look “differently” with mods like this which would make GD extremely poorly balanced game.
I don’t mind the mods. But noone is going to take those mods seriously (like they have a total meme status among most players right now) if WC has freaking 7,5s uptime. If you make item mods which removes cd from WC but also removes Damage reduction while adding some kind of damage mod, now we are talking,
again, if it’s every 7,5 seconds most players don’t care. GD is too dynamic to be centered around spells with a cd that high.
The best thing that can come out of feedback is stuff you don’t expect and i have no problem discussing different ideas.
But if you are gonna do the '‘most players’’ thing and follow up by stating what the game is (It’s not PoE) then i’ll take a step back
I think you’ve been playing crucible only too long and on a personal note crucible is a bit too comfy for a lot of glass cannons that simply shouldn’t make it out of there alive. (i’ve played some of them)
Low-key, ever since Crucible was revamped after the DA abuse i’ve been hoping buffs like Ulo get nerfed or changed into something else completely. It pamapers players too much and drives this ‘‘fast clearing meta’’ thinking into a corner where it wants nothing but damage and strip any sort of nuance to a challenge
I’ve been starting to think more and more that i’d like this change. At least for ultimate/gladiator.
Well, do you really think Grim Dawn players that like skills with long ass cd are in majority and not vice versa? Like really?
I don’t know if you follow my guides or not, but all of my builds are tested in SR as well.
I have played some of those glass cannons too and died a lot, not sure it’s that comfy unless you are an ace-pilot. Only glass cannons that are trully comfy in Crucible are high CDR Arcanist casters that abuse rotation of Mirror/Ghoul/Blast Shield/Whatever. Glass cannon melee builds die as soon as you make the wrong turn, glass cannon spam-casters or chanellers follow suit. Just from my experience.
I mean the only skill that comes to mind that works fine with long ass CD is Devastation. Which is not exactly a top-tier skill nowadays. But at least it makes sense, because it has a duration.
Stuff with added cd like Dunefiend Shadow Strike or Bramblevine DEE (tested that btw) don’t really work well. Or Ring of Steel mod from Chillheart which is actually not only increasing RoS cd but also decreasing its overall damage output (the math behind that item is mind boggling).
Imo, if a spell with 5-7 seconds cd to be made usefull, it should have like 3k flat damage or something, like a real NUKE with really gamebreaking impact.
Exactly. Devastation makes sense to have long CD, since it’s harness aether meteors to fall on top of enemies heads. But War Cry base CD is too long. Make the % DR smaller, scale the perks with points investment but make it the skill more versatile. Just look Omen .
I judge’em every 2,4 (2,8? I forgot) seconds, son. Once you get enough flat CD for that skill it becomes and extremely fun and powerful to play (but you know that, you made similiar paladin before me).
BTW Judgment is a great example of a long ass nuke skill with great itemization. Because it was designed much later than WC. It’s a super fun and mighty skill. I love it.
Warborn EoR have damage reduction from Soulfire already and Cadence have other problems, if you remember. And DK can use Omen or RE, since they need procers.
Warborn only uses EoR, am i right? Wait. And DK is the only Soldier build in the game now, there aren’t others that use War Cry and only have War Cry as damage reduction.
Doesn’t change the fact that there are other builds that use War Cry that can get it nearly to 5 secs or lower and lowering the DR would screw them over.
And my point is that Judgment design and itemization around it is really great, unlike that of WC. And if WC gets better itemization and different from current one design, it won’t make it like all other skills.
Well actually if you have Warborn (or other) Soldier with WC cd around 1,5 seconds it could be fun and effective and open up some builds with relevant WC mods. Singer Barb could be a reality.
A great suggestion for Crucible, where you want screenwide nukes and melee-range debuffs, and a terrible suggestion for Campaign, where you want the opposite.