[Feedback] Wildblood nerfs were a bit too much

Great, and I’ve never gone out of my way to demean your enjoyment or what you do for other players.

On the other hand, I will not tolerate baseless passive aggressive posts that demean my team or all that we’ve done, very much including an absolutely stupid amount of work dedicated to balancing the game based on the whims of a very tiny minority of our customer base.

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You missed the message. I’m not talking about the amount of work you did. I’m talking about the far less amount of work that could be done to improve endgame quality. Actually, the biggest step would be is to change your attitude a bit.

Yeah, Z, clearly you’re not doing enough work.



If some of you insist on throwing shade my way, so be it, you will receive the same in kind.

But don’t for a second assume that because you’ve played the game more than the average player or made a few builds based off of gear and skills we made that this puts you above others to cast down your opinions as if they are law.

I’ve seen many a number of players get scared off this forum by such behavior and it is frankly tiring.

Gosh, how could I have misinterpreted that! What about my attitude? The part where I fundamentally disagree with you as to what the goal posts are? Something tells me I have a bit more authority on where those fall.


Time to close this thread. It’s obvious that certain builders are too full of themselves to listen to reason and to communicate with a basic level of politeness.


What makes you be that much against players trying high end?

I agree, I still didn’t get any response about Astral Fields music not playing.


Nothing at all. We added the shortcuts for a reason.

But at the same time we are not going to take a build struggling in SR at levels well beyond intended clears as a symptom of a problem that requires addressing.


What is the intended clears?
Discussing this current example needed some DPS adjustment, but you severely nerfed both offence and defence. What is the reason behind it?

I’ve said it many times, if you go beyond SR60, the inherent imbalances will start to become exaggerated. Clearly evidenced by the fact that most builds can’t go far beyond that without camera exploits which, again, we left because the forum community pushed for it to remain (even though it was never the intended way to play).

As for Wildheart specifically, Vitality builds tend to have the issue of spiraling out of control when their damage gets too high because of inherent life steal. In essence, the more damage they do, the better their survivability (even more so than the average build). So it becomes a very careful balancing act of giving them just enough damage so their clears remain relevant without them getting out of control such that they are immortal at relevant levels and can push even beyond that.

Despite little substance being given in the latest series of complaints from on high, we are going to tune Wildheart back up a bit, although not exactly in the suggested manner. Bleed variants in particular got hit too hard, but the solution to that doesn’t lie in bloating Wildheart with stats that could be used by non-bleed builds as well. Nothing is gained from returning to the previous status quo.

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I will add that this thread, for example, is a tremendous resource not just for the players but for us as well.

It’s a running joke that we go through the build forum looking for things to nerf, but I honestly don’t know who has time for that. This compilation on the other hand offers a broad view into hundreds of builds and class combinations and having personally gone through every single one of them, I can tell you that changes have been made for the next update.

Before people panic that everything under 6 minutes or something is going to get DESTROYED, we are keenly aware that standards change over time and power creep is a natural part of the game growing and the player base optimizing not just their gear but also their knowledge and expertise.

We looked at the spreadsheet with an eye of…ok, let’s try to leave what’s doing well as is, but if we need to buff something else that inadvertently also affects the well-performing builds, that gives motivation to also make targeted nerfs. In some cases, whether this thread existed or not, some playstyles need to realistically expect some nerfs.

That said, there has never been an update that wasn’t heavily skewed towards buffing what sucks or needs a bump to become relevant. And v1.1.9.0 is going to be no different. It is already at nearly 200 entries related to balance and will certainly grow before it even enters testing.


I don’t have this illusion. The game existed before me and will exist after me.

I was talking about this. The community is pushing it further than 60 - to 75 at least. And it isn’t my whim. Lol, even if I made some half-meme build for fun, someone might ask me

I’m fully agree with DPS nerfed, I told it already few times. The whole thread is to back lifeleech back. I liked the vitality concept that exists since AoM. You are slow, but immortal, like inevitable Death. And, unfortunately, whether someone likes it or not, the Wildblood gameplay is always a facetank as soon as you need to keep enemies on Vines (WB doesn’t have lifeleech outside of Vines area).

AND duration

It’s ok even with nerfing %WD to 30% on the set. But bring back 15% lifeleech and duration. Also some bleed damage bonus might be needed to give compensation to bleed builds.

Excuse my fellow retirees, they used to come to this bar. I’ll walk them outa here, sorry for the troubles.

On a serious note, the last patch looked pretty good in terms of endgame balance. But some builds inevitably get hit harder than they should’ve. The build in question (vitality Wildblood), for instance, got a quadruple nerf: both sets, combined RR from masteries and dmg type. And it’s a leechtank build on top of that. No wonder it fell apart.


@Dmt Just want to point out that it was never intended for all builds or sets to be able to do ALL content, let alone near equally. Crucible n SR play very different, but beyond that Callagadra and the supa secret crate boss were certainly not intended to do all content.

Whenever a player asks if a build can do all content I ask them to clarify if they mean literally ALL content or not, because if so then the subset of builds I’d offer them is a lot smaller. And that’s okay.


You and others probably think that I want every build would be able to clear everything. Though, I have several unposted builds just for fun not pretending for smth serious (like melee Purifier, Blazeseer Sentinel, Rimetongue etc.).
I’m highly against nerfing builds more than it’s nessecary. Like I wrote in this thread already


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