Female armour

This is probably the only one I wouldn’t mind IF she actually had pants on and a shirt. Because otherwise it’s just silly.

What is the point of all that armor lol just stab her stomach and she is dead

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I would totally use these. I love the black assassin look and the Roman gladiator set.

It’s a fantasy game. Suspend reality for a little while, enjoy the visuals and kill the monsters. It’s fun, not reality. I get enough reality in real life and I just want to look at beautiful art. While I use extra u’s in my words. :laughing::sunglasses:

Not correct, but not bad either. :ok_hand:

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I would pay $5-10 for an optional armour sets download.

I’ve not played D3 but I played something years ago that had armour dyes. I spent a lot of time trying to get a gold dye.

if these pictures were meant to be examples of ‘curve but no skin’ I’d say they failed…

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I got that wrong I read it first, too. The positive examples were the following two.

I live in a tropical climate and have zero issues with skin. Skin is everyday normal here.

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How about the Lady Mechanika style?


Me neither, when it comes natural. But I’m tired of designs that lay too much emphasis on sexiness.

This is bloody brilliant!

I would use both those outfits. A 2H FG type outfit and a definitively Grim 1H + off hand with a mask for a helm. This is the style I had in mind. I’m not familiar with Lady Mechanika. I’ll check it out.

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I have zero issues with skin in general too. My complaint is not about skin, it is about how unrealistic such armor would be given that it offers next to no protection.

But… the whole game is unrealistic. Magical.

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Theoretically, if crate was going to design some new illusions for armors, they could make something which is sexy, stylish, and functional thematically.

Like for a duelist style garment, could show a lot of skin on the lower/mid torso, and maybe one arm, while the upper torso and other arm and perhaps rib cage be protected by armor, representing a functional design of a dueling chick who uses only her right or left side to duel, leaving the other side unprotected almost as if to taunt opponents into aiming attacks at these unguarded areas, and thus allowing her to predict their movements and strikes. It could work, if you have the creative vision.

I could try to sketch an example as soon as I have time, but I’m not a great artist.

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agreed, but then all armor is protecting you through magic means only and should look fantastical and ‘impractical’, and the rest of the game design / world should reflect that too, not just the female armor.
GD is not that game however it is more on the realistic end, including its armor design.

Even in this fantastic world of magic armor I would still expect some consistency however, i.e. whatever criteria men use to choose their armor are the same criteria the women will use.

There is no scenario where men would walk around in full plate armor while the women wear steel bikinis and both are equally protected. Either the bikini would not offer sufficient protection or no one wears full plate armor because that is heavy and restrictive (there could still be differences, but those then are fashion choices only).

If the women run around like Zula, then the men should run around like Conan, that at least is consistent, whether it is practical is another matter :wink:

I did not state that the feminine armour should be a bikini or show a lot of skin.

my reply was to

after which your case became that armor is magical.

My whole point remains that what is good for the goose is good for the gander, i.e. whatever criteria men would use to decide on what armor is ‘good’ would be the same criteria women would use, so it is only natural for their armors to look similar.

If in your setting that results in everyone being completely naked except for some magical rings, that is fine by me. If it results in everyone going for chain mail or plate armor that is fine too.

What would not happen is that the armors would end up being very different based on gender - certainly not in a world like GD’s where thickness of metal directly correlates to the amount of protection.

In a world where all armor is magical, there could be large differences as then the actual design is about fashion only.

As I wrote earlier, this might be an option for a new loyalist pack, I would not expect changes to the female armor already in GD. I guess the best option for GD would be the caster gear, as that already offers the least protection and is the closest to regular clothes / cloth.

Byscilla’s “”"“armor”"""" in next loyalist pack :scorv: Of course men could wear it too