FG forums background image

I don’t know whether it’s just my problem but I’m finding the new Forgotten Gods background image in the forums too bright and distracting - I’m having a hard time reading actual content.

I guess my suggestion would be to simply tone it down.
Until then, my own personal fix was to adblock it, which I find somewhat unfortunate.

Or simply tone down your screen’s brightness :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m having a hard time reading actual content too

A bit too orange, but i like the new background.

How about make these themes optional? I don`t mind orange stuff, but green was more pleasant for reading.

Uh… What? I still have the green theme, I don’t understand how can you think it’s too bright when it’s still not up.

refresh browser “Ctrl + F5”

BTW you can disable Background by using F12 key and unchecking background image.

Personally, I like it much better this way.

Granted, orange is my favorite color. :smiley:

Yep it IS bright, but again, I like it. :eek:

That actually helped. And it looks WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY cooler than the green shit (ye I fucking hated it).

I’d love to have it like this for my whole life. Dope as fuck.:smiley: