Many builds take it, even if not invested in the fire/chaos concept, due to the proc mechanics and %wpn damage (26%). The mechanics often allows multiple procs to hit the same target = 2 counter-rotating effects. I read that up to 3 instances could be going at any one time?
It seems to me that it should either be adjusted for higher tier (entry colors cost) or the %wpn damage portion of the proc should be removed to remain tier 1.
(Fiend provides really good completion colors as well.)
I thought I’d float this discussion in gen, since it might be sensitive…Nerf talk always is.
I have been thinking about this for a time and while I get that this is 99% single player and one can simply choose to avoid it for alternative layouts and variety…I am curious on thoughts.
I didn’t think Flame Torrent is that good. I mean, I used it a bit on my very first character, but never noticed being it good or bad (maybe because I didn’t use it in ultimate/max level). Raw stats of the skill are surely nice, with Beronath’s sword it’s just better than sex. I had many thoughts about making a build “around” this devotion and Beronath, but I kinda didn’t even theorycraft it.
Haven’t looked very closely at these, but my first question after a brief look:
-why do these have 27-30 color requirement, when other very popular biggies (Dying god, Ulzin) are 23. High colors mean less flexibility in the path to these.
*I think that is where I’d start, in an effort to make these more attractive.
This probably should be its own suggestion thread and not under this Flame Torrent OP title.
I’m on the same page as Superfluff, as in Flame Torrent isn’t too good… it’s just that many devotion of the same level are just bad! Maybe adding % weapon damage on some would help.
On some builds Flame Torrent helps quite nicely for AOE clear but no matter the build with life steal Flame torrent is great.
Again, some tier 1 proc might get better damage through mostly adding %weapon damage (at least that’s 1 way to fix them i’d say). Right now many T1 devotion with procs aren’t being taken because taking them means nerfing your build!