wouldn’t it be really cool if we could fight against characters from Reasonfully powerful builds(their names are their authors’) in crucible?
Um, not really. Surely there are enough foes to fight in there without throwing something like that into the mix.
I assume you’re talking about the various builds themselves. In which case it’s a lot of work for the devs to make each build viable ingame plus as far as I know those builds are the authors’ copyright so Crate would have to come to some arrangement with them to use them.
It will be not be any cool at all;of course, if you don’t want to die in 1 nanosecond.
What you offer is pvp in its essence, and we all know how pvp works here, thet who first used a shadow strike - he be a winner.
This. The game isn’t balanced around the idea of PvP, what with abilities being able to do hundred of thousands of damage per hit or per second compared to how much health your run-of-the-mill character has, then there are things like Mirror of Ereoctes or Blade Barrier that grant invulnerability for a short time.
I’d rather see Crucible wave 170 boss which is a character with a particular set(s) (e.g. Krieg set) and has maxed appropriate skills that the set gives or just maxed exactly all skills. Something Crucible exclusive, which would not be too strong nor weak. Would be fun to fight something random at the wave 170, or additional wave 171, that is not a monster that spawns in the main campaign.
I don’t expect that being added into the game anyway.
1-Even if the damage was nerfed so they wouldn’t explode your char in a sec, it would require a lot of artificial intelligence programming for the enemies to really use the builds instead of just being a ball of stats with random procs.
2-I never read the builds section of the forum and I don’t care much for other people’s builds. A big part of the fun in a ARPG to me is creating and developing my own builds, so fighting some player’s build I don’t even know would add nothing.
To be honest in PvP damage reduced on 80% and CC duration on 60%, but still it’s too small penalty.
1-Use reinforcement learning to train your agents is actually not that hard.
2-It’s like a hall of fame kind of things but with damage tuned down. You don’t check out how Iron maiden was build by the devs when you fight her. It’s just another challenge, nobody force you to check out how they are built and btw the character gives out little information about their gears if they are transmogged.
That’s actually a very good idea, but a simplified version of players’ build is even better.
Oh come on, we can pledge for the bill to pass:p:p:p:p:p
Remember Pokemon battle?
Maybe a tuned down version to make them viable?
Rework the builds to make them approachable?
Fighting NPC trainers and actual people is no difference stat-wise though, everything will have the same stats within the same range that IVs/EVs/Natures etc. allow.
Grim Dawn is different - look at basically any boss on grimtools monster database and you will see they have proportionally more health than your character and generally deal much less as a result. Fighting a boss is not the same as fighting another character. If you wanted to enact your idea, you’d have to scale the health or damage of player characters so they are like other enemies.
You are right, I think the idea of destroying other guardians of Cairn and proving your ultimate worth is cool while the actual implementation needs a lot of consideration into damage and health and skills.
I always thought it would be great if one day Crate allowed us to “fight” against the old lore legends
the way we “fought” Ulgrim.
“Test your mettle” battles against Markovian, Belgothian, Nidalla, Amarasta, Zolhan, Ulzuin, challenges to see if you are worthy of facing the “gods” or something like that. It would be a given that their fighting style would match what their skill descriptions say (Nidalla emphasizing her blinding speed and poisons while Belgothian goes for more knockout strikes and outlasting the competition, even though both are essentially Nightblades).
I always found it nice to meet up with hyped up heroes of lore previously thought to only be legends.
Wow, this is amazing! A much better idea!—I can now imagine myself shackling Uroboruuk to my will…(evil laughter)
this, the DPS vs health of players is ridiculously in favor of DPS, so whoever hits first wins
It’s not simple either. It’s not like putting computers to train chess.
If the learning was done collectively by the input of several players, to begin with, GD would have to start collecting info about the battles then reporting them back to Crate. There is a “report anonymous statistics” option on the options menu, but I believe it comes unchecked by default and only simple info like play time, class, etc is reported to Crate. So the information collected would need to be more detailed, like a full battle log. Then Crate’s computers would process the info, the AI would learn and only on next patch/hotfix we would see improvements.
But if the learning was done locally, then I could train the AI several times against a Ranged kitting build, only to change to a Retaliation build and simply destroy it.
Iron Maiden is basically a commando, Fabius is a nightblade, and Alex is a devastation arcanist. They’re just trading their player level of damage for nemesis levels of health. If you’ll include the classical heroes as suggested above, I’d like them to be something like Ulgrim, who’s a super boss but not as heavily tuned as the rest of the gang.