Fighting Spirit could get some crit damage. Soldier very often has low crit damage unless you use Arcanist (but Battlemage is limited in builds…) or Divine Mandate on Warlord. Cadence and Blade Arc would benefit from it. It could get 12 % at 12/12 and 18 % at 22/12. It is nothing balance breaking yet something that is missing on Soldier.
one thing that just came to mind, this is actually more of a endgame “only”/mainly benefit change
if the assumption would be a tradeoff, which i feel stat changes often do result in , and if that stat change is a reduction in Soldier OA, in anyway, this would actually be bad (imo); but especially bad for any levelling build, where OA has way more value and use,
specially the direct OA in soldier, with Fighting Spirit being particularly good after the cooldown change (but obviously wouldnt’ want Field Command or Oleron considered for reduction either)
Gnome, for some reason word “trade-off” gave me a good idea for that new mastery those devs making…
Maybe in Berseker mastery, there will be a skill that acts similar to fighting spirit, which gives OA a boost but has a fair tradeoff = losing DA. Yea, I copied it from that blue hat somewhere in the game but that would be neat.
i would expect players to “riot”/complain, seems like we don’t appreciate negative stats/“debuffs” like that and frequently advocate for reducing them where present (blood reaper? set, chains of anguish etc) - probably dislike it more if it costs actual skill points then
i dont’ actually think it’s a bad idea, and if anything, “thematic”
Mark transmuter on overguard and past era hamster ball had that damage loss, but what I meant about that new idea was that damage becomes bigger not worse, at cost of defense… it’s opposite of mark overguard.