Final Fantasy 12 Zodiac Age

Do you think they are going to release it on PC?
Or do I need to man up and buy a PS4

Easily one of my favorite games of all time

Dunno… judging by how they’ve got pretty much all the other FF titles on Steam except that one… I’d say you might have to man up.

even FF15 is coming to PC.
ff12 is just among the worst of the franchise and doesn’t even deserve a pc release :smiley:

Yes they will. Don’t even think about it.

you’re out of your mind :slight_smile:
FF12 & FF8 are the best final fantasy games.
Clearly FF13 and all it’s sequels and ff15 are the worst

Sure Vaan suked but rest of the game was amaze balls. I mean how could you not love killing things with knot of rust on low level play throughs. I also loved how the game broke from linear content if you wanted.

This is the only Final Fantasy that I’m willing to buy on Steam, because it feels more of a PC game for me, than a console game, plus the fact that they’ve improved a lot of flaws from the original version with this re-re-release. Yeah…it took them THREE releases to make this game work…

Vaan and Penelo pretty much killed this game to me. One of the cardinal sins a game can commit to me is the main character being easily removed from the game and that not affecting the story one bit. This could have easily been fixed if Balthier and Ashe were the main characters because they pretty much are except the game doesn’t consider them to be such. Not to mention Vaan and Penelo are terrible characters and last thing i want to do is follow them.

About the question in the OP post, probably down the line the game will be released for PC. But that will probably take years.

Fuck it tho guess I’m off to buy a PS4 today.

The game wasn’t build around Vaan it was build around Basch but in the past having an “older” Main character didn’t sell well so they just threw a new guy together before release and made him the “main” while the story was build around someone else totally.

Anyway in the end the plot is “story-driven” and not character based. Vaan and Penelo are just the “outsider looking in”…They are “us” they actually represent the player entering something they don’t understand and trying to have an impact on it.

If there should be a “Main” character it should be either the knight (Basch) or the Princess (Ashes)

I’ll go ahead and say that this game has HD textures worse, than a simple emulator can propose.
The only thing this remake does right in multijobbing. That’s it.

Also, best FFs are 6, 7 and 9.

I disagree with you as I find the game to look pretty good. Also love the way they allow you to speed up the game at will.

You can try PCSX2, ps2 emulator + zodiac job system, english patched .iso :slight_smile:

As for me, FF12 sucks. FFX is my favorite <3

I’m pretty sure they’ll put it on steam eventually, maybe even next year. FF12 is one of the ones I actually haven’t played but I’ve always wanted to so I’m pretty excited for it :smiley:

Here you go. While you can definitely see the overall improvement, it’s still just upscaling. They also overdid bloom effects, and all characters seem to have some weird gloss over them. I feel like the artsyle got hurt a bit too.

I admit though, the speed up option is surely nice.

I dont need youtube I bought the PS4 yesterday and the game. And the game looks pretty good to me. Definitely beats playing it on PS2 which I was still doing just last year (til my PS2 finally died)

Plus the PS4 actually looks much better in that comparison video also.

Nero’s suggestion is a damn good one btw!

FF12 actually scales really nice on emu

Vaan and Penelo were bottom tier waifus but the rest of the FF12 team were pretty awesome and it was my favourite FF game

anyways… i dont see why they wouldn’t bring it to pc. its just a matter of timing. they just did the ps4 release. so i imagine it will be at least one quarter before they do a PC release. so they can max out the console sales.

