Finished normal...Now what? Rep for exp potions, or swap to elite/ultimate?

Hey guys. Tried searching some threads, but didn’t really get the answer I was looking for.

I have all DLC (have not done the new content yet though). I am currently level 56 and just finished the main game/docks quest. I am only Respected with Malmouth Resistance (about 900xp short of T4).

What is the best option here? Do I go ahead and jump to elite/ultimate and start over, or should I grind the bounty table until I can get the XP potions?

I have a fealing grinding revered with the table would take me forever, but also feel like the xp potions would make repeating everything again much easier.

Any advice would be appreciated.

As a side note…If I go straight to ultimate and skip elite, and find its too much, can I just hop right back to elite?


Grinding Revered might not take as long, but doing it via bounty table exclusively probably isnt’ a great idea

Personally i always feel like just jumping on is better, rationale being the time you saved grinding revered to save time later was just time you spent levelling on Elite/Ult anyway

I feel like if going revered the 2 best approaches is, first get Honoured, regardless. Then buy the writ/apply the Writ, and either cheese the relic bounty or do the boss route bounty (Vala/council/fleshworks or Ternox resets)
Either way, without a Writ it’s not really worth considering the bounties as they give low rep on Normal
Kill rep however is the same regardless of difficulty, that’s what makes the boss route kinda fine to do, but still better once you have obtained the writ ofc

By relic bounty i mean you fish the "craft X relic"from the table, it gives the highest rep of any bounty, and can be done on the spot/doesn’t require you go searching multiple different places for a rando spawn hero etc
(same reason why the boss bounty is best/fixed spawn bounty is best, even if the actual bounty rep isn’t that great)

iirc last someone mentioned this i think they said it took like 1-2hours? to get revered on Normal running kills, might be a bit off on the exact time since don’t really remember.
By comparison, assuming the time is accurate, the same time on Elite or Ult might not get you as far, making it/XPpot worth if so.

yes, you’re never locked in to difficulty, and whatever progress you made on X stays if you jump forth/back and waits until you return

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Aweome. I guess I need to grind honored for all the factions before I jump difficulty. I’m only respected, so I can’t get any writs.

if I jump difficulty without the writ, I lose the faction progress right? I’m assuming thats the reason for the writs?

oh yea should probably add,
even if you don’t go for the relic fish, if when ever considering doing bounties for any faction i extremely much highly receommend using this tweak

for whatever reason in their wisdom Crate decided to severely limit the base bounty system/interaction, which means you can do 5/12-15 per session, then you need to reset.
This makes it a PITA for several reason to interact with bounties just in general, but even more so if ofc wanting to fish for the 1-2-3 actually useful ones that otherwise don’t give you useless amounts of Rep on Normal

Reputation status carries forth/back, it’s part of your char progress so that stays

you don’t need the writ “before” you jump to elite/ult, it’s just that you should obtain it if when deciding to grind for rep or do bounties, otherwise you’re wasting a bunch of rep
Ex being, half of bounties give you like 75 rep on Normal, which is basically the same for a single boss kill, not really worth spending time on if not static. So a writ that doubles?+50%? the bounty rep makes it atleast slightly more ok to do some of the bounties, ex relic bounty would go from 400 to 6 or 800 on Normal, yay
boss kill bounty then suddenly gives you, nr pulled from ass, 250, 125 from bounty 125 from actual kill (+whatever trash on the way), - without the Writ you’d only get 75+75
Slapping on a Writ as soon as Honoured becomes highly worthwhile when it’s your first char/don’t have a Mandate

Yea I’ve been fishing bounties already.

Oh the writ if a bonus to rep. See when I read it, it made me think it “unlocked” the rep on another character/or when you swap difficulties. I guess I misunderstood the intent there.

that’s what Mandates(exalted papers) do, Writs is for “that” char/usually your first or main char
(or all chars if you SSF/clean slates all the time for alts :sweat_smile:)

Play Forgotten Gods before skipping difficulty, imo. And then jump into Elite and just do main quests; to get to Ultimate as quickly as possible. That’s where the real game is, anyway.

you don’t need to do elite to get to Ultimate anymore remember :wink:


I wouldn’t bother. You don’t generally need them for anything other than augments, but for those you want revered anyway. For most factions you’ll get revered automatically just by playing through the game twice. If you really want to buy something from them, sure you can grind some rep.

You also don’t really need xp potions imho. XP rewards on elite/ultimate are already higher than on normal. Leveling up will still be fast enough to be enjoyable without xp potions. And you’ll reach level 100 well before you finish Ultimate for sure.

If anything I would make sure you got all the devotion points you can get on normal before moving on, as this helps quite a bit in beefing up your character. Also make sure all resists are 80%+ before you move to a higher difficulty, otherwise things will start to hurt at lot :sweat_smile:

Oh that’s right haha. Old habits die hard I guess.