Fire EoR Opressor, is it viable?

I’ve been wondering about this item for a while Riftclaw Slicer - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database

Wondering if it’s useful other than for levelling with EoR. This is the theorycraft I have so far

Main problems are low CC resists and OA and DA, specially slow res, even if you craft helmet for slow res it’s still low. I also checked with shattered guardian set, lower damage, fixes the CC resist problem for the most part but OA and DA get even worse. Any help would be appreciated.

Oppressor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

  • DA is 2960 with Blood Boil from Syphon Souls, OA better by 240

    • Chariot proc in addition to Resilience can boost it further
  • Slow and Stun res (without Ascension) capped

  • I didn’t change items or their affixes but devotion for the most part


Thanks, looks like you fixed the main problems nicely! Though damage and atk speed suffered a little, but I suppose that was inevitable.

This is what I changed with advice from TomoDak on discord, I did change the items though, would have to farm that belt too since I don’t have one with those affixes. I’ll have to try both specs and see what happens. Do you reckon it can do SR 75-76?

Edit: Fixed the link, thanks!

No clue, I’m not very experienced with EoR :thinking:

You’re missing a GT link for the build.

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