this is the first build i’ve ever done in the game. it’s an auto attacker. what do you think? is it good
Sorcerer, Level 99 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator grim tools
this is the first build i’ve ever done in the game. it’s an auto attacker. what do you think? is it good
Sorcerer, Level 99 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator grim tools
I didn’t want to see this slink down the forums without someone responding to it.
Where are you at this point in the game? Having only 8,000 health is going to hurt it big time, especially with low OA/DA which impacts your ability to hit + be hit. I’ll try and find a few ways that you can improve your build without relying on Legendaries which would make up the bulk of improvements.
Have you done the Hidden Path on Ultimate yet? You can proceed through that quest and farm Solael-Sect Legguards which will provide you some needed resistances as well as ADCTH.
Helmet is the next thing I’d look to upgrade. You really need +points in Demo or Arcanist since you need to flesh out the Arcanist tree more (especially in Overload and Inner Focus, since that will provide you the OA needed to hit enemies better), but in the mean time, you can try and farm Fleshwarped Casque from Acts 3 and 4; equipping that will bump both your health and OA significantly.
Finally, your first ring isn’t contributing much, but if you can make it to the Ancient Grove in Elite, you can use the shopkeeper trick to purchase yourself a decent Living Ring from Vinelton. Since you’re Level 99, I assume you have the expansion for AoM and would have no problems getting it. This ring will also boost your Health while giving you much needed Vitality resistance.
This also goes without saying, but if you can replace your relic with Korvaak’s Deception, your OA/DA will improve by a lot as well.
On the positive side - I think your devotions are great, and you clearly have top attack speed. With a few more Legendaries and some equipment improvements, and you’ll at least be able to get better performance than what you’re getting now. Sorcerer is not really seen as an auto-attacker, especially with no WPS and little in the way of supporting stats, but there are at least incremental improvements you can make to help your build perform its purpose.
sorry for the late reply i haven’t done the hidden path yet but im in ultimate