Fires and not taken out

Since the new patch houses just burn down one by one in my town, and not a single villager is taking them out.

Do your wells have any water in them?

They can and do run dry.

Yes, I checked that too. There were multiple wells in the vicinity, which weren’t full, but hold at least 20-30 water. I’m assuming thats enough to take out fires.

It happen to me with the building that catch fire the easiest, the Smokehouse. I did not have a well completed when the building caught fire and it end up burning down the second Smokehouse and Storehouse. Extremely irritating. I know to get a well built near Smokehouses because they love to catch fire and the well that I had was dry. :persevere:

in my case the fire spread quite quickly. 2 buildings have burned down at the end… the thing was still one building remained in fire and it acted as a torch :smile: The well next to them was not fully empty…

I had the same thing happen. Well wasn’t full, but had < 50 units water. right next to burning homestead. All villagers completely ignored the fire. I lost 4 homesteads. It seemed odd to me because even if the closest well wasn’t there, I’ve seen the villagers get water from other wells previously. In this case, the villagers were even attempting to use the burning buildings like normal. So I’m assuming some flag wasn’t triggered.

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Where were the settlers that were marked as putting out the fire? (F3 to show the tasks)

If there weren’t any then I’d say that’s something of a bug for sure.

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