First Time Titan Quest - What build?

They ruined charge skills animation. Ruined %CDR reduction mechanic, ruined %life reduction mechanic . The only thing they added is somehow working DoT mechanic. I`d say its 3 vs 1 .
Earth skill tree? Still horrible outside of pet options. Hunt skill tree? Still oupie AF . Shadow skill tree? Still meh for most combinations.
The horrible drop rates are not adrresed .

I totally disagree with you. I don’t know what is so ruined with charge skills when they look literally the same. Cdr mechanic ruined? Why so? Life reduction works the same as in GD, so idk what you’re talking about.

They basically made Spirit mastery good. Before you’d pick it only for Life Drain and the Lich, now you actually have a reason to pick this mastery. Storm mastery was finally made for overall usage, before you’d only pick it for Squall if you went melee, eventually for some more defense, never offense. Earth was barely touched because it was made with the thoughts of a supporting mastery, mostly pets (this is why the Earth Enchantment is an aura). Volativity, the level 32 passive was literally useless, they fixed it in Anniversary. Defense was slightly nerfed to not be OP in defense, also buffed for offensive builds. Warfare’s horn was buffed to actually be picked. Before you didn’t even feel the armor shred. Dream mastery got OA/DA buff (before, 18%, now 111, which is way better).

Overall they did more good then harm. I think you just don’t like the fact TQ now belongs fully to THQ and therefore you hate on it. Have you even played the game or looked at skill stats separately?

Here, TQIT:

I played both. I dont care for THQ, dunno any of these pals to care. Animation of charge skills feels off in TQAE.
I have no ideas what are you talking about. Spirit only good for Life Drain? No one picked that in spirit ever. Spirit was picked for auras, immortality, life reduction and ternion attack(before horrible nerf in TQIT) . Life reduction now dont work, so its broken w/o any workaround. Storm was the only caster-like caster mastery in the game. Lots of options for Storm, most of them ruined with "balanced" CDR cap. Earth spells were as useless as you can imagine, most players i know refered to earth as "shit" mastery. Some improvement? Nothing chaged, you never want to pick Earth outside of pet builds. Defence was nerfed in Defence, genius :rolleyes: . Ppl clearly dont understand what they are doing and why.
Like i said the only positive change from AE is working DoT.

^^ Humble opinion.

Life reduction was broken. Recharge reduction broken. DA, projectile avoidance stacking broken, leveling playing field for various builds by nerfing these is a positive.

Then physical spells were made to work, pierce and poison dexterity based too, flat damage stacking on attacks and throwing knives fixed, blocker CC made usable (briar ward), nymph is an appropriate pet, traps are pets too and good at that, better than wolves, poison and bleed work. Full vitality builds now possible, elemental attack builds possible. Not all of these are excellent but its much simpler than before.

Now real bad changes are spirit mastery that had life reduction all over it and only got vitality staves to compensate, 1 skill does not compensate for 3. And vitality and bleed resist scaling with difficulties was unnecessary without complete gear overhaul.

Overall its some broken IT builds ruined, but many outsiders like magicans, battlemages and illusionists received something for them to become viable, and without crazy gear.

I think TQ:AE is a mixed update.
fixing some parts that should have been fixed by ironlore long ago
(example: poison and bleeding has almost NO scaling in TQ:IT)
bringing new features that is also mixed but overall a nice addition,
and nerfing/balancing some stuff with inconclusive results.

imo what TQ needs is more exclusive late game content. some arena mode or something.

despite all the problems, TQ still has its antique mythological charm which draws
players to this day. And iirc they’re currently working on a closed beta update
or something.