Fist of Ultos

Fist of Ultos is a 2H lightning mace for Cadence yet it has on it bonus for Judgment. There are items for lightning Judgment (here and here) but nobody would use this mace with them. The bonus should be changed to literally anything else. For better support of lightning Cadence (and I mean pure Cadence not like Stormreaver with Storm Totems and Savagery) it could get +2 to Soldier (it could then even work for lightning Blade Arc).

And also the bonus to life on this weapon is pointless. Warder will have huge amount of health. OA, DA or phys res would be better instead of it.

Phys res on a blue weapon? Nah that is too generou stat i think

True. OA or DA will be more useful anyway. Warder has easily 20k health. You don’t need phys res with that :slight_smile:

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