Flames of Ignaffar fire class?

So I have noticed a stark lack of fire based Foi builds,i asume the lack of decent support items are at fault ere,but i wanna try seeing how far it can go

My question is what would a better mastery for it be?paladin or purifier?,both bring some nice tools to the table

I´m theorycrafting such a character myself. It will be my next character to play.

I´m using gear to convert lighning damage to fire. And I want the character to use a shield for defense. So I choosed Oathkeeper.

Funny thing is, as I started to choose devotions and skills, the character evolved to a retal character. :rofl:

Back to the design table to tinker with the blueprints. :grin:

Dunno if shield makes sense for the fire variant,the safeguard passive is nice…but there are a few good offhands like


for the ligthing conversion

main thing you get in paladin is passive RR
oathkeeper wont bring you any +% fire booster since its passive is an exclusive you can’t take, not gonna count Ascension since it’s temporary unless you make good effort itemwise to increase uptime.
Oa boost is the same, again not counting ascension, getting haven is pretty neat, health and heal increase, and vire’s might is a great extra movement skill to have + stellar devo proccer

purifier gives you thermite mines :woozy_face:
does give you a bit extra flat dmg in flametouched, the aforementioned %, some DA, and cast speed in Vindictive flame
Blast Shield is ofc fantastic utility for any build
other than that its main potential for support on foi is possibly BWC with OA shred and maybe flat RR, could be considered limited benefit - and its DR is ofc useless since Aura of Censure already does that
Flashbang also vanishes from the lineup since FoI already does Fumble and DA shred and can get Impair too

Dont different burn effects stack?like oathkeepers judgement effects and the guardians

Im rly torn here,i dont know if the cast time from demo helps as im kinda thinking this is more of a burn build,speed doesnt affect that i asume?so…kinda feeling paladin more atm

they do, but that’s gonna be pretty limited dmg/utility overall unless you make a massive investment towards it
and then you could apply the same reasoning to demolitionist too with bwc or nado etc

FoI is most definitely not a burn build, it’s a flat dmg spammer, just like AAR etc

I see,so in that case going purifier would proly be best?with the cast speed and flat dmg from flame touch

dmg wise purifier is probably slightly more dmg, even regardless of the cast speed from vindictive flame/assuming you manage max speed as paladin
this would be the baseline difference as i see it

*obviously skill points doesnt’ take into account extra or freed up points from gear, but it’s a rough sketch of what you’d get and have to use actives and points wise

so the “main” question, imo, when it comes to weighing most demolitionist inclusions, is, “do i want mines”/the actives in Demo?
FoI usually gets pretty chonky, since it can benefit from global lifesteal while several items grant it direct lifesteal on top. Adding Fumble natively also means your dealing with extra defence layer. Inquis Seal further improves your tankiness.

the stat differnces aren’t huge, same’ish OA; Demo gives bit more DA but Oath gives you more HP to compensate(and increasd heal effect), blast shield gives absorb, but so can ascension + resilience a bit.
So largely the difference, cast speed aside, is the extra movement skill and passive RR, vs Demo’s mines, and maybe BWC casting once in a while
both classes gonna be able to proc devotions great, Oath will do it more passively since you can assign to Empys and wont need to wait for mine/seal cast to proc, that’s mainly it, one is more passive one is more active i think

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thanks for all the imput,you pretty much convinced me for paladin,i dont feel like playing a piano and paladin also leaves more interesting build options open if i feel like swaping

I’ve done it on Purifier.

IMO there’s plenty of good support for Fire FoI, it’s just harder to put together than, say, Chaos FoI cause there’s no set for it, you have to put it together yourself and it takes some greens to do so.



239 DA shred. Still gets the OA in the 2800s.

SR 75 2700 DA vs OA including DA shred

i maintain the emote

50% of the time you have this

You can easily reshuffle the devos for more OA if you find that concerning. Takes all of about 30 s.

And you can obviously get better affixes on the greens, this is just the best I wound up with. I wouldn’t get too fixated on the numbers. From my testing it’s a 4 out of 5 SR75-80 runner.

that’s pretty impressive with 90’ish% hit chance 50% of the time :thinking:

Well, let’s say you have 90 % hit chance all of the time. So you’re 10 % total damage down. Ok. You miss out on crit. Ok. There are no on-crit devos used, so that’s not a concern. You miss out on the crit damage, which FoI has A LOT of, sure. But all that matters at the end of the day is: do you have enough damage to kill stuff fast enough and leech back enough health? This does. Doesn’t matter if it gets there through crit or just flat damage, as long as it gets there.

Because it’s a non-set build you can shift a lot of pieces around. I took an entirely defensive armor cause I found the lack of HP and phys res concerning. You can easily shift more into offense to reap the benefits of all that crit damage FoI has. I always lean towards survivability in SR more than all out aggro, but that’s personal preference.

that’s the point, losing 10% base dmg is quite a lot
nvm the crit, just base hit’s being lost 10% is actually fairly impactful, “usually”, more so when lifesteal is then involved
it gets an even more stark contrast in fights where it suddenly more impactful like celestial/ravager etc, the difference vs 90% hit chance vs 100, is pretty huge there, (even if that OA is super hard to get for most builds)

I don’t make a habit of fighting Celestials so that’s a metric I don’t take into account on my builds.

I also haven’t done my second round of testing for this build yet so it’s possible I’ll shift some stuff around anyway. This was just what worked for me in, what was it, 9.6, 9.5 maybe?

Anyway, like I said you can retool it for whatever your preference is because the non-set nature makes it more flexible. Even if you leave all the greens as they are, reshuffling the devos can get you the OA you’re after, if you’re ok with losing a chunk of health:

Not sure how the energy sustain on that would be though. Gains Viper but loses Scythe and Harp, which if I recall were pretty important.

didn’t mean it like that,/not saying this build is about fighting celestials
i used it as an example where 10% hit rating difference “shows” even more is all

Sure I get it, I’m just putting the build in context. I didn’t see a reason to sweat the OA because the build was working fine for the content I use it in, which is SR75-80. I’m sure plenty of my builds can be improved, I just generally don’t bother doing so unless the build struggles.