Forager Shack Fertility

Is there anything that impacts the fertility or output of an upgraded forager shack? Someone on Reddit posted that they were getting 360 berries and 180 willow and medicinal roots from their upgraded forager. I have never seen higher outputs than 72 berries and 30 willow. I have tried putting the upgraded foragers all over my map, in high fertility areas (fertilized by chickens for ten years prior), in areas next to a bog area with a lot of berries, roots, and herbs, in arid areas at the base of a mountain. I get the same output everywhere. Is this normal functionality?

This is in an Idyllic Valley on easy settings and no extra forageables.

FF Fertility 1
FF Fertility 2

It’s based on the map you’re playing on. Some respurces are more bountiful than others depending on the map (arid and wasteland being universally hostile).

Understandable, but wouldn’t that mean Idyllic Valley on easy settings should be pretty plentiful? One forager shack making each item wouldn’t be nearly enough to provide for a medium sized village at these settings.

I’d love to see the ground fertility or something similar able to impact the production of the garden, I guess.

It’s fascinating that Idyllic Valley is not super productive for this. Lowland Lakes is one of the 360 berries one, and … honestly, I think it’s a bit much. That’s a third of a mature 80+% fertility orchard in a fraction of the space with a similar number of workers.

Maybe the productivity spread on that one should be narrowed a bit, probably by bringing the high end down?

I think you answered incorrectly. What I’m asking now is whether the production of L2 gatherers’ houses is affected by location. I was talking about things like the fertility of the land or the groundwater in that location. As far as I know, it has no effect. Am I wrong? The developer is talking about the distribution by map type, so please understand the intention of the question.

Natural soil quality does not matter in the slightest with a small garden, as you quickly amend the soil to match what is needed on a plant-by-plant basis in order to maximise yields. Thus the fertility of nearby soil is (and should be) irrelevant. That is logical. (If you imagine you are mainly planting in raised beds, planter boxes or pots, then it should make sense — you are not using native soil at all.)

However, the type of map does imply a CLIMATE/WEATHER difference. More or less access to rainwater. Hotter or colder days. Longer or shorter growing season. Humidity. Wind.

As a result, it makes sense that the map type does influence the yields of garden-grown crops (because of the implied weather), but nearby soil quality does not (because you are planting in heavily amended/optimised soil instead).


Just wanted to follow up with an update after another town… I tried a Lowland Lakes with a ton of water and worked until I was able to get a level 2 forager shack. I still only get 42 medicinal roots and 72 berries in a year. I ran them both for more than 3 years and the output never changed.

I would like to see where something we do can change the fertility or output of the level 2 shack. I’m working in what should be very fertile areas and getting pathetic outputs that can’t sustain any manufacturing or food for any period of time.**

It’s unclear to me that the T2 building is actually an upgrade. I have two right now, one producing 120 nuts and one producing 120 mushrooms. This is a tremendous downgrade in output from the T1 versions of these buildings.