Forester Camp Tier 2 Not following orders, chopping young seedlings, not planting properly etc

So I have a Tier2 Forester camp, and right away noticed it isn’t working correctly at all, I wanted to plant a bunch of trees near edge of town, and see the workers chopping down the baby trees that were there, and ignoring my sliders, I asked for 3 planting, 1 and 1 on stone and chopping, and “Mature trees only” - and all most of them are doing is chopping, and when they do stop to plant, they seem to then start chopping the newly planted trees the seedlings. sigh.
on version 0.9.3a

I have same problem like this, it not fun. I must order them only planting and when tree have 11 or above i will harvest by laborers.

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C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\my games\Farthest Frontier\Save

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A super easy (but subtle if you’re not watching carefully) reproduction: - Google Drive

There’s a single T1 work camp here, with the overall work zone rated something like 99% fertile. Trees start growing back almost instantly. With “mature trees only” checked, the workers will cut down nearly-invisible 1-wood and 2-wood oak saplings in the center clearing before they go looking for the trees around the edge. (I don’t think it’s reversed with it unchecked, but I only watched it for so long.)

Does not reproduce.

You can see the area got clear cut and all that’s left are a few tiny trees, but the camp has the “no trees in area” icon over it.

Wow; that’s absolutely not what happened for me. I’ll get some screenshots tonight.

BTW, how long did it take for that to happen?

We can run the game considerably faster than you guys can, but we aided the process with laborers by chopping down the large trees along the edges.

I swear I saw a case where the work camp was cutting down a 6-wood maple, but my autosaves don’t go back far enough, so they’re only from a period of time where I was experimenting with turning off mature trees only to see what happened.

However, after watching this a bunch more, I figured out what confused me the most:

  • “Chopping trees” has a fairly obvious target: a tree which eventually falls over.
  • “Copping logs” has no apparent target at all. After the tree-chopping phase is over, the tree vanishes, and log-chopping does not immediately happen after tree-chopping.

Thus, workers go out and chop a bunch of logs, and I try to figure out what they’re chopping and only find juvenile trees, because the “log” target isn’t visible, so I then think is what they’re chopping.


Yeah, what’s happening is the tree gets chopped down and, if you look closely, you will often see a wood pile appear. That wood pile requires additional work before logs can be collected from it.

Unfortunately the forest floor texture makes it hard to figure out what things are wood piles and what things are, y’know, decorative. Being able to investigate the wood piles somehow might be nice, but it’s definitely only “might be nice”.

You can turn on labels for fallen resources so you can see them.