Forester jobs stay unfilled

Not sure it’s a bug or if I’m doing something wrong. For some reason, the worker slots in my Forester Camp stay unfilled. Even if I click some workers in manually, the slots get empty again after 30 seconds or so. Should have enough work force and so on. Any ideas?

does it work if you set the resource ratio to 1:1:1 instead of just planting trees?

Have you verified the game files and made sure all your drivers are up to date? Does it persist if you exit and then reload the town?

Did you set a limit on the log production? Or stone production?

Do you have a save with this Forester in this state?

Of course, here you go. It is actually two foresters that are affected.

Yes it does. Even after exiting and restarting the game.

That’s great, but we’ll also need the .map file. Thanks.

Oh sorry, here it is. Also, maybe it’s useful for you to know that I started this town with playtest version 0.9.5p2.

I tried this, thanks, but doesn’t resolve the issue.

Alright, this was the solution!

Yes, I had a limit on both stone as well as logs. But, I initially ruled this out as cause, because I think it’s intended that the Forester should go on planting trees, even with limiting stone and/or log production. At least, this is how it’s always been. Also, if a building switches off due to a production limit, the worker slots simply grey out instead of this “yellow plus symbol”.

But, what I just tried is switching the limits off, waiting a couple of minutes, and then putting the limits back in. This seems to have had some kind of a resetting effect and indeed resolved the issue (for now)! Thanks a lot!

@Zantai: Still, seems to me like a minor glitch of some sort. Maybe you still wanna investigate this…