Forgotten Gods Boss Talk

Kind of no longer becomes very unique when other games have done it before. :wink:

Very true. :wink:
Just something unexpectedly outerwordly would be cool.
Very curious what they will come up with. Will be awesome nonetheless, I guess.

Optimal Boss:

  • Summons minions on a frequent basis (so On-Death procs can actually be used)
  • Has a unique arena and has mechanics that make use of that arena.
  • Does one of two things to force players to move around a lot: Either a) moves itself around a lot to make players chase after it from time to time (still waiting on the teleportation from TQ’s Terra Cotta bossfight to make a comeback), or b) uses what I refer to as a “don’t stand here” mechanic like Gargabol’s fire-jets or Theodin’s aether pools. (bonus points for the Guardian of Solael/Cthonian Unraveler Chaos pools, which spawn several pools over time at the player’s location, letting players decide which parts of an arena to make dangerous)
  • Has godtier music (which I’m sure Skewsound will not disappoint with)
  • Has visual/audio cues for both debuffs and high-damage attacks.

I’ve been waiting on a boss to make use of AAR. Consider the following: what if a boss would shoot a high-damage, tracking AAR beam at you for several seconds. In this boss’s arena were several pillars, which could be activated (e.g., TQ’s Typhon pillars) but consumed/destroyed to bestow a buff upon players for a short time. This grants players the choice to hide behind such pillars for the duration of the AAR attack, or consume said-pillars to expedite killing the boss but making the AAR attack marginally more dangerous, with fewer ways to avoid it.

I’d also like to see the return of the ground-jets that the Amalgamation or Ellena had.


Theodin Marcell kind of checks all those boxes. So more like him, yes please.

He only meets three of the five bullet points, really.


He summons minions.
Has an unique arena and mechanics that make use of the area (turrets).
You are kind of forced to move around at certain attacks because they can hurt (turrets example again and aether pillars).
Has godtier music.
Has visuals/audio cues for his attacks.

I fail to see why ppl want something like this. I mean if the attacks are dangerous you just skip the encounter.(I avoid area when Alex, Grava or Loxmere can spawn all the time) If they are not dangerous you faceroll encounter. On death procs are horrible with Aids or w/o. Some pillars and shit? Ho care? Bosses in ARPG are lootbags, heck, in D2 Mephisto couldn’t do anything at all and no one complained about it. Make it simple. Boss run in your face and smash it, like a true boss must do, no damnaku BS with shooting in random direction, no waebue telegraphed madness with cheap nukes.

Dunno. Might simply not be my style of game.

I often suspect a lot of peeps would be happy with a room + 1 test dummy of 1 HP + loot chest. (Some of the OA/DA resist combos are almost like this.)


We fight inside of a God’s brain.

Literally inside of creation itself.

I was referring to player/Devotion on-death procs. I agree that enemy on-death procs, such as those belonging to Harbingers, are awful and should frankly be removed from the game. Edit: With the exception of summons; I am OK with things being summoned on the death of a different enemy.

Meanwhile those are among my most frequented areas for literally that reason. Different strokes for different folks.

Gets pretty boring after 700 iterations, don’t you think?

Any repetitive mechanic gets boring after 3 iteration. I bet after 10 runs you wont notice lazors, pillars and aids. After 200 runs you wont even notice boss attacks. After 500 runs you will only notice that drop rates are shit :stuck_out_tongue:

LMAO So true.

Lol AAR so bad even bosses don’t wanna use it.

Actually given that bosses don’t have to deal with energy problems (as far as I know…) and are all about killing a single target, a boss with AAR could be right scary.

Nope, it would be like:
"Oh, look, a scary aether beam!!!1oneoneone 2 Purified salt+Avatar of Mercy= faceroll " or leechtanking. Or invulnerability chaining.

Yeah, i feel you. I always go for 2 Purified Salts + Avatar of Mercy on all characters, not to mention i always have multiple invulnerability skills to chain them. So relatable.
