Forgotten Gods Emissary not present


Bought the game, played until lvl 33 (killed Krieg of course), decided to buy/download the Forgotten Gods expansion. Forgotten Gods is no longer on the splash screen list for content. Verified downloaded by steam. Loaded the game and no Emissary.

Decided maybe it was because I got the expansion after I killed Krieg, so made a brand new character, leveled to 17, killed Krieg, turned the quest in, and still no Emissary.

Am I missing something here? All my googling says Kill Krieg and turn in, be level 15, and he will show up.

I also verified integrity of steam files, and no change.


do you have Ashes of Malmouth installed too?
FG requires AoM
Do you own it on steam or GoG? with GoG you need to install the full game via galaxy or if using the offline installers you need to do them individually in order and can’t just patch/partial update

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Oh no, I only got FG. Nothing I googled said I needed AoM too. Well I guess that would solve it.

And Im on steam not GoG

yepp that solved the problem. Thank you


it should very much say on the store page FG requires AoM :sweat_smile:
but all good that it’s solved :+1:

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Yupp sure does. I just fail at reading apparently. Either way, I’m good now. Thanks again!