proc was mostly used by OFF builds for double freeze exploit and by aether binders for “immortality”, now that OFF exploit is fixed and Aether Binders prefer to take Korvaak proc is not really used as much
out of the way for everything else but Aether
possible solutions:
reworking proc so it can be used more frequently (by reducing the amount it reduces cooldown by)
High value damage reduction on the proc
max res and racial damage on nods
most of the nods have horrible value, worse then some tier-1/2 devotions
high affinity cost
you need 7 points to get to the proc (most out of all devotions)
proc is very inconsistent with its “20% chance when hit”, 2.5 seconds cooldown and just 3 seconds of DR coverage
Whole devotion just gives 80% damage no dot
possible solutions:
rework the proc so it can offer consistent damage reduction coverage, dr value itself can be lowered
add value to the nods
In the need of a minor facelift:
It is missing Electrocute damage to become more viable for Lightning builds despite having Electrocute on proc. I think adding that and maybe max Aether res will help it a bit without breaking it.
My main problem with it is nods. There is one nod that gives 10% energy 60 DA 25% energy regen. Feels a bit outdated with how builds solve energy problems nowadays. And then lack of %Frostburn damage (except on a last nod that is usually hard to grab) despite proc being dot oriented. Also having Vitality resistance on one of the nods on Cold which usually has a surplus of Vitality res.
I think you can add Frostburn damage so it matches direct damage on it, update couple of nods and maybe add Freeze to the proc for better cc.
I haven’t included Tree of Life because I see it mostly as a pet devotion (it’s pretty useless for non pet builds), maybe pet players have something to say about it.
Fully agree with Aeon and Empyrion, these are definitely in need of buffs. I like the suggestions for Aeon.
Spear i dont know if its deserving of any buffs or not, maybe small buffs as suggested.
Disagree about Levi since it is being used a lot right now and any small buffs to cold melee is sketchy.
I think cold melees use it not because it strong but because they can afford to skip Yugol and defensive devotions and greedily grab Leviathan + 5 points in Sage. I think it’s the problem of cold melees being a bit too strong rather of Leviatan being good.
Also adding %Frostburn damage shouldn’t really buff melees much. And energy nod could be changed into something neutral like Petrify resist, for example
Energy node in Leviathan is nice. Not every cold build is an arcanist with energy regen.
Changing this to petrify resist would be a huge downgrade WTF.
+1. It would be great if it had a higher uptime and(or) have its functionality changed to a duration with periodic/interval strikes in a radius around the character.
I actually have two characters that runs it (non pet). With how giant’s blood is now, tree seems like an expensive devotion and there are other methods to get energy and enough life, plus other avenues to heal with giant is on CD. If it’s only a “pet devotion” from community testing then it might need some changes.
Tree is heavily favoured by casual players, tank seekers, and i think even some HC players still use it
Unsure if it’s still ex pros like Protoss’ go to for some regen stuff, but you can def see a GT here or there ex on steam from HC players that cling to tree
Agree on Aeon.
Empyron though… Yup, reworking proc into a more consistent kind of skill, that would be a suitable replacement for builds, that cannot reach DR otherwise would be cool. The nods, however, aren’t that horrible, they could just use a bit more OA/DA bonuses to put them in line with other tier-3 devotions.
Mogdrogen could probably use a little bit of a buff, or un-nerf. It’s supposed to be the “damage route” for pet builds, but Ishtak is only slightly less damage for a whole lot more tank/safety. Ishtak also has the benefit of getting you most of the way to Tree of Life as well, so at that point, it’s kind of a two-fer, and you could argue that it’s a three-fer for tank because Ulo is right there as well and aids in build-up. Blue/Yellow has a lot of tank things, but it also has damage things as well for pets and that’s kind of what purple was supposed to be (IMO).
I really hate the passive pet builds that focus on trying to make the pets immortal, but it’s getting harder and harder to make the argument against it because the damage is almost as good and the tank is massively superior.
Anyway, un-nerf Mogdrogen, or maybe add some pet damage things to purple/green devotions. Looking now at what they offer, perhaps we could get some more crit stuff instead of generic damage? Make purple/green crit focused?
Arcane Spark plus energy potion is enough for just about every build I have. Never mind just cold damage, this works for just about everything.
Let me add some: Korvaak:
A nod gaves only 20% chaos res, as bad as Leviathan’s 60 DA. One nod of Leviathan gives 5% phys + 20% pierce + 20% vit, and one nod of Vire gives 5% phys + 15% bleed + 15% aether + 15% chaos. At least add 20% aether res to Korvaak.
And another nod with 8% health and 2 energy regen is also bad. I think 10% is ok, or 8% plus some armor.
Proc seems weak among all T3 devotions. Need crit, 1.5 seconds cooldown, low single target damage. I saw many builds that only use its nods without its proc.
Abomination, Tainted Eruption:
Pure dot damage, no flat, no %WD, only 312 dot per second. As a comparison, Oleren, Blind Fury deals 580 dot per second as well as 155 flat and 75%WD.
Completely no dot damage, neither Frostburn nor Poison.
I saw only acid/poison builds use Yugol, but almost no cold builds use it.
They should give the pet bonuses back to Empyrion.
Agree with you on Leviathan. it doesnt need the vit and energy stats. They need to remove them and replace them with new ones. Also the proc should increase its radius
Would be useful for a Veilkeeper Druid imo.
Korvak needs a rework on the second and third nodes.
for Aeon
ignoring the whole dmg type part, which i don’t really think is relative since it was always niche.
Isn’t one of its issue just the struggle to trigger it on demand/proc chance? - which ex got made worse for CD callidor change?
i wonder if buffing the %chance would make it slightly more attractive for the old niche builds that used it, so it can be triggered 100% when desired with 3-3.5sec cd skills
nice that you still use it, didn’t expect it. So since you are a solitary Aeon user, what do you think about shortening its cooldown and shortening the amount of cooldown it does so it’s more dynamic? Like reset all cooldowns by 3 seconds every 5 seconds kind of situation? Or do you think it’s all right as it is?
That’s one of the problems with it. Another problem that it was mainly used on OFF builds for that explot that doesn’t exist anymore.
So from comments about Tree it looks like it’s not that useful in its current state after all.
Agree on everthing except Levi. I get the point of energy + E-regen ware very niche but the devotion itself is strong and scince when is very niche = somethign to get rid of? As pointed out this might be due to cold builds performing very well but i dont see this as a compelign argument. O yeah an Yugool is still competitve just less so because i also feel that the new leech component is little overtuned.
A more general question: do you guys honestly feel that Krovaak devotion is to weak? i feel the polar opposite, easy to get requierments (blues and greens) proc is amazing and its completley generic. I feel like it needs a little nerf tbh
Not at all. I mean 20% chaos res nod is fucking shameful but devotion itself is mega, proc is absolutely massive.
If energy meant something in this game then sure. Like I heard in League they have spells that cost like 500 or 1k energy or something. Otherwise it’s just useless and helping literally no build. Maybe if it was energy regen + energy leech than it would have some actual value (albeit still small).
I am mostly befuddled by the lack of %frostburn damage on a devo that seems to be about Frostburn thematically.
I think revisiting T3 (and even some T2…) proc chances as a whole could be worth doing. Shuffling Devotion binds around to reach higher proc rates instead of aligning cooldowns is both unfun and unintuitive. Edit: Will note that currently Aeon can be used for perma-Ascension memes. I have it bound to Judgment for this purpose.
I’m not opposed to some node buffs here and there but I don’t think any T3 proc currently needs to be reworked/given more uptime…except for Blind Fury.
Leave my ability to make AFK builds with Empyrion alone.