[Forgotten Gods] What we know about the new Devotions so far

Down below the information known so far about the new Devotions.

Please note that as the game is still under development, the following information may change by release.
If you’ve got any additions and/or corrections, please fill me in…

========= Tier 1 =========

A celestial omen of good fortune. Those born under its light are said to have lives of peace and happiness.

Affinity Requirement

  • ???

Complete Constellation Bonus

  • ???
  • ???


  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???

The mantis hungrily tears at the celestial tapestry, eager for wallowing stars to devour.

Affinity Requirement

  • 1

Complete Constellation Bonus

  • 3
  • 2


  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???

The nighttalon is an elusive and agile hunter, stalking the night sky for easy prey.

Affinity Requirement

  • ???

Complete Constellation Bonus

  • ???
  • ???


  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???

The scarab scurries across the night sky, seeking Azrakaa’s sands to burrow into.

Affinity Requirement

  • 1

Complete Constellation Bonus

  • 2
  • 3


  1. +15 Physique, +20 Armor
  2. 15% Reduced Stun Duration, 8% Shield Damage Blocked
  3. +4 Armor, 15% Bleeding Resistance
  4. +4% Attack Speed, +12% Shield Damage Blocked, 30 Acid Retaliation

========= Tier 2 =========

Hyrian, Guardian of the Celestial Gates
Hyrian is the immortal creation of Targo the Builder, created millennia ago to stand eternal vigil over the celestial tapestry the primordial gods inhabit.

Affinity Requirement

  • 6
  • 8

Complete Constellation Bonus

  • 2
  • 2


  1. +40% Elemental Damage

    [li]+4% Physique[/li]+8% Shield Damage Blocked

    [li]+100 Health[/li]Healing Effects increased by 8%
    Increases Armor by 4%

    [li]149 Elemental Damage[/li]+20% Shield Damage Blocked

    [li]+50% Elemental Damage[/li]Increases Armor by 6%
    10% Elemental Resistance

    [li]Hyrian’s Glare (30% Chance when Hit)[/li]The binding glare of the celestial guardian falls upon your foes, sowing confusion among their ranks.

    Experience : 0 / 750000

    Next Level : 1
    2 Second Skill Recharge
    10 Meter Range
    50% Main Hand Damage
    16% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
    773 Elemental Damage
    30% Chance of Confuse target for 1 Second

Ulzaad, Herald of Korvaak
A titan loyal only to Korvaak, Ulzaad heralded the arrival of his patron to all his subjects. Without his master’s command, Ulzaad became disillusioned and lost, eventually driven to madness and despair.

Affinity Requirement

  • 8
  • 6

Complete Constellation Bonus

  • 2
  • 2


  1. +40% Physical Damage

    [li]+10 Defensive Ability[/li]15% Cold Resistance
    15% Poison & Acid Resistance

    [li]+80 Health[/li]10% Chaos Resistance

    [li]+80 Health[/li]10% Aether Resistance

    [li]107-143 Physical Damage[/li]+50% Physical Damage
    +50% Internal Trauma Damage

    [li]Ulzaad’s Decree (20% Chance on Attack)[/li]The decree of Korvaak’s Herald fills you with stone focus and determination.

    Experience : 0 / 75000

    Next Level : 1
    18 Second Skill Recharge
    6 Second Duration
    55-146 Physical Damage
    +40% Physical Damage
    +40% Pierce Damage
    +40% Internal Trauma Damage
    +50 Armor
    25-30 Physical Damage Retaliation

========= Tier 3 =========

Yugol, the Insatiable Night
When Empyrion’s light first spread beyond creation, the gods discovered that a great darkness sweltered within the nothingness. It had but one name: Yugol. Yugol’s insatiable hunger threatens to consume all that the primordials had painstakingly crafted, its advance thwarted only by the merciful light of a thousand thousand stars.

Affinity Requirement

  • 7
  • 20


  1. [li]+80% Cold Damage[/li]+25 Offensive Ability

    [li]+80% Acid Damage[/li]+25 Offensive Ability

    [li]25% Vitality Resistance[/li]10% Reflected Damage Reduction

    [li]+100% Cold Damage[/li]+100% Acid Damage
    +3% Spirit

    [li]50 Cold Damage[/li]36 Acid Damage
    6% of Attack Damage converted to Health
    40% Life Leech Resistance

    [li]Black Blood of Yugol (30% Chance when Hit)[/li]The black blood of Yugol spills from your wounds, festering upon the battlefield and seeking out foes to consume within its eternal darkness.

    Experience : 0 / 160000

    Next level : 1
    0.8 Second Skill Recharge
    6 Summon Limit

    Black Blood of Yugol Attributes:
    Lives for 6 Seconds

    Black Blood of Yugol Attributes:
    Black Blood
    3 Meter Radius
    252 Cold Damage
    180 Acid Damage
    Increases Health Regeneration by -25%
    -15% Movement Speed

Azrakaa, the Eternal Sands
Azrakaa, the eternal companion of Aeon, crafts the very sands with which the keeper of time decides the fates of mortals. She is his consort, and most trusted advisor, often tempering Aeon’s harsh judgment and offering solace to the mortals she cherishes.

Affinity Requirement

  • 12
  • 6
  • 8


  1. [li]+80% Physical Damage[/li]+80% Pierce Damage

    [li]+140 Health[/li]+90 Armor

    [li]+140 Health[/li]+50 Defensive Ability
    +6% Movement Speed

    [li]+30 Defensive Ability[/li]+6% Attack Speed
    +6% Casting Speed

    [li]64-91 Pierce Damage[/li]+100% Physical Damage
    +100% Pierce Damage

    [li]Shifting Sands (20% Chance on Attack)[/li]The sands of Azrakaa ebb and flow across the battlefield, piercing through foes before returning to your position.

    Experience : 0 / 160000

    Next level : 1
    0.5 Second Skill Recharge
    1 Second Duration
    100% Chance to pass through Enemies
    2 Meter Radius
    5% Main Hand Damage (24 - 39)
    196 Physical Damage
    305 Piercing Damage
    80 Reduced target’s Offensive Ability for 3 Seconds
    10% Chance of Impaired Aim to target for 3 Seconds

Korvaak, the Eldritch Sun
The Eldritch Sun rises once again to claim its celestial throne.

Affinity Requirement

  • 10
  • 18


  1. +30% to All Damage
    Bonus to All Pets
    +30% to All Damage
  2. +6% Health
    Bonus to All Pets
    +6% Health
  3. 20% Chaos Resistance
    Bonus to All Pets
    20% Chaos Resistance
    [li]+30% to All Damage[/li]+5% Offensive Ability

    Bonus to All Pets
    +30% to All Damage
    +5% Offensive Ability
    [li]Eye of Korvaak (100% Chance on Critical Attack)[/li]The eldritch gaze of Korvaak falls upon you in an expanding ring, piercing through any foes unfortunate enough to be in the way.

    Experience: 0 / 160000

    Next Level : 1
    1.5 Second Skill Recharge
    6 Projectile(s)
    100% Chance to pass through Enemies
    1 Meter Radius
    8% Main Hand Damage
    50% Chance of Petrify target for 1 Second
    80 Reduced target’s Offensive Ability for 5 Seconds
    80 Reduced target’s Defensive Ability for 5 Seconds

    [li]+30% to All Damage[/li]+8% Crit Damage

    Bonus to All Pets
    +30% to All Damage
    +8% Crit Damage

I just don’t like the fact that Black Blood of Yugol is on being hit. :confused: Sucks. But! It’s a dark hole. Or black hole, whatever.

Yeah, would’ve expected a more active approach with this skill.

I am still dreaming about damage conversion devotions :slight_smile:

Please tell me that in Scarab you made a mistake

Is one of the nodes really only granting 4 armor, or did you mean to say 4% Armor.

I hope not. It would decrease build diversity by making certain devotions more specific and kill exotic builds.

Just literally stating what was shown in the stream:

Maybe someone else made a mistake… :smiley:

4 armor would be useless lol

True, 4% Armor would make more sense.
Maybe it’s a typo by the devs…

Devotions updated with the January 18th dev stream info…

Devotions updated with the March 8th dev stream info…

Azrakaa’s celestial skill Shifting Sands: