Forgotten jewelry augments

Let’s take a look at some of these. Most lack DA/OA so I suggest adding those stats. If devs don’t want to add DA/OA because it homogenizes the augments or something, I suggest adding a stat that is equivalent in value - for example, instead of adding 70 DA/OA, add good resistances, like 24% x resistance, or 30% CC resistance, or maybe add 15% crit damage, or even go wild add 5% total speed, physical resist, unique conversions, reduced enemy damage, etc. Just as long as its not something lame like 8% petrify resist or 6% health, those stats are not comparable at all to OA/DA.

This is lacking either flat damage or electrocute damage %, so aside from the minimal petrify resistance it straight up loses to Typhoon Powder

For this one I would suggest adding electrocute damage %, aether damage %, some flat damage split between aether and lightning, and let the augment find use among Veilkeeper and Allagast builds. Possibly remove health to compensate.

Useful for the bleeding resistance, but I just wanted to point out that increased armor is borderline useless on pet builds.

A bad augment that focuses on survivability yet doesn’t provide any DA or any retaliation stats.

This one is atrociously bad. Even if you were doing a hybrid vit/bleeding build, you would either use Arcanum Dust instead or Wraith’s Scream for the flat damage.

The obvious issue here is the lack of IT damage %. Even with it, it would still look pretty weak.

I actually like this one on paper, could be really good for classes that struggle with health (like Saboteur), but again, no DA/OA makes it not worth using.

I’m not sure if this one gets used because I don’t see a lot of fire retaliation builds around. I would suggest either adding fire damage% for hybrid builds and DA/OA

Looks ok on paper, and I actually use this augment on my physical damage builds, but apparently the flat damage gets nullified by armor, in a separate sense, which sounds really bizarre. If this can’t get fixed then I suggest replacing the flat physical with flat internal trauma.

Another terrible, no good augment. Possibly the worst one in the game. Fire + Chaos builds are basically non-existent because of the ease in converting fire to chaos, and both damage types have much better choices to use from. And even if you did need fire + chaos damage you’d certainly use Arcanum Dust instead.

I’ve never done a pure bleeding build so I don’t know if this is great or not. It’s lacking OA/DA so I included it based on that but the other stats are good. Really depends on how useful the armor increase is. I need someone else to comment on its usefulness.

I didn’t look at level 50 augments because I’m under the impression that they’re only supposed to be used as a stopgap in the leveling process. Even so, I would suggest buffing most of them so they can at least have some utility usage.


I disagree about ateph’s will, the armor is very useful as it is on the player not the pets, but you forgot the truly useless pet augment as was discussed in pet changes discussion:

I agree about all the other ones, dmg focused augments always lose against the 75OA/3% OA options and if your dmg type isn’t available you can always use that chaos augment that gives 55OA + 50 DA, pretty much always worth it. Steelbloom powder should just give 3%OA and its fine.

Is it really? I thought most pet builds didn’t even bother with armor absorption, let alone heavy armor or the like

I’d imagine that’s cause a pet builds number 1 concern is stats for their pets, and I don’t think that there is anything that gives pet stats and armour absorption

Acid/Poison augment have similar issue as well. None of them provide flat or dot damage, one that support 2 type of damage is quite useless, and the others 2 give pet bonus that not much better than the other pet augment, although at least these 2 provide OA or DA.

This is % increased armour here. Pet builds can get decent armour absorb by using one scaled hide in pants and either living armor or sacred plating in shoulders (no pet stats in those component slots).

Coven’s wit also has % increased armour and pet attack speed/dmg. I use it because I don’t need the health and DA on Ravager’s eye and wanted more attack speed. 2x takes me from 1720 to 1890 armour which is not bad I guess.

High damage pet builds that can clear quickly without any concern for defenses can get away with this. For many pet builds, however, extra armor can be the difference between being able to escape a hit and heal while your pets take aggro and getting 1-shot, especially in higher SR. I wouldn’t take the augment just for the armor increase, but the pet Bleed resistance is huge for non-Shaman pet builds like Cabalist, and the armor is just extra icing on the cake. For my playstyle, the difference between 1400 Armor and 1800 Armor is enormous - you get so much more breathing room in preventing damage spikes any time a nasty mob looks past the pet aggro.

I made a thread specifically on pet augments last year, but that is more aligned toward weapons than jewelry.

Armour augment resistances were already buffed (when no one playing at end game asked for buffs mind you) some updates ago and several equipment pieces have either had more resistances added or diversified since. It’s been so much easier since then to cap resistances on a majority of builds with building overcaps even less of a worry than before, frankly we don’t need to make it even easier.

And yet, I’d argue some of those stats in the amounts you mentioned like 15% crit damage or 5% total speed are far more valuable than OA/DA for certain builds, they are scarcer on gear or MI affixes whereas OA/DA can be built up in more places, and finally want to point out the flaw that they could stacked up to 3 times by applying augments to both rings and amulet. Even the right conversions like Pierce->Cold have historically proven to be volatile if given out in the wrong places/way.

Again, same as the above - your suggestions if they were implemented would just lead to power creep for no apparent reason at all.

I’d argue that it’s more about seeing for a given augment A what kind of build it’s aimed at, what augments that are currently in use on said build that A is competing against and what stats the build needs and giving A something useful that simultaneously isn’t dominant/exploitable like physical resistance than throwing on any random powerful stat and calling it a day.

For some builds, they may already get practically everything they need/want from gear/skills/devotion that they don’t need a lot from augments so a weaker stat on A can be appropriate than something that might push the build in it’s entirety to borderline OP territory.


it’s used on greedy retal builds that doesn’t need/wish for OA/resist
fire retal has very little to do with it, as you just convert it to either phys or acid if you aren’t fire retal, it’s the only decent retaliation augment, imo, since basegame retal augs just offer pittance of stats

i think that right there is your biggest issue
you’re looking at augments and sees XYZ stat and think “hey, they should be equal”,
Zantai no doubt knows that flat dmg and oa/da or oa/da+resist augments are the most used
changing every other augment into the same doesn’t fix that, and obv removing those “perfect” augs doesn’t help either
if you view the augments, perhaps not as 1 giant pool of same stat competing endgame augments, but possibly to fill certain specific stat gaps; to then be maybe ironed out later through upgraded items, then stuff like health+stun or petrify or even +armor augs might be useful to some in that interim


I do consider all those equivalent stats - not 15% crit damage because on second though that’s actually way too much, but 6% across three augments for 18% total? Yeah I would totally find that equivalent to 210 DA/OA, same for 15%AS/CS or 6% physical resistance. Based on my own building experience, I would likely never actually use any of those over such a large dump of DA/OA. I.e. on builds that are severely limited on AS/CS, the augment in question would also need to have the proper damage type and if it’s a WD% build then I wouldn’t use it over the usual flat damage augment, period.

Obviously, you wouldn’t put pierce -> cold conversions on a augment, I mentioned unique conversions after all, i.e. acid -> lightning or acid -> lightning. What are those kind of conversions used for other than some meme builds? Is that going to beat 70 DA/OA? I don’t think so but feel free to prove me wrong.

As for resistances on augments - I don’t understand what your point is, the vast majority of builds I see posted use resistance augments on armor, so having 24% resistance on a jewelry augment would potentially open up to 2 armor augment slots to replace with Dreeg’s Omen (60 DA total), which goes in line with my suggestion on adding equivalent stats…

This literally never happens. It’s the opposite that happens, where people use Arcanum Dust and Survivor’s Ingenuity/Osyr’s Temper when they’re lacking stats elsewhere, instead of the usual damage type augment that corresponds to their build.

I just don’t see the point in adding resistances on end game armour augments when it’s already so easy for a lot of builds to cap/overcap them.

I highly doubt anyone is going to give up the flexibility on their ring/amulet augments as well, you only have the option of DA/health/resistances on armour augments whereas ring/amulet accessories can provide damage, OA, DA, health, armour, CC resistances etc… Even if 24% resistance were added to various ring/amulet augments, no one is going to use them over their armour augments to cover their resistances.

And I can tell you from some builds I have done that my armour augments come down to just providing luxury OA/DA on top of getting to some very safe amounts and extra damage. If I needed to swap them out for another stat like more physical damage or more crit damage like in your examples then I could do so very easily.

I didn’t say it happens to every build, but there are definitely some that get overloaded on every stat they need.


The best augment for acid melee you want to say? DA and res might be easy found on greens unlike armor that is especially useful for acid melee lacking on armor and/or phys res


For your own build that lacks physical resistance, perhaps, but I’ve never encountered that problem myself. I suppose I might run into that issue if I ever make an acid Oppressor, since it doesn’t have mastery physical resistance. Otherwise, if I’m going to forgo DA/OA on acid augments I would use Scorpius Venom instead for the 30 total flat acid.

I agree with dmt this augment is good, it is useful for armor focused acid oathkeepers that aren’t soldiers, it can make 99%/100% absorption with obelisk node, also there are already good OA/DA augments for poison.
Irrah’s patience is also good since some builds have just huge health issues.

The real problematic ones are witch black flame and basilisk bite IMO.

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