Forthcoming Forgotten Gods expac - what we know so far Part I

Under the ‘4 new factions’ entry it says ‘additional skill/attribute points’ so that is where I saw it. It’s an open ended statement so you could easily draw conclusions such as more levels. It could also mean quest rewards but like I said before it doesn’t specify. Hence the reason I asked on the forum in the first place because I wanted clarity.

Indeed that will be the case:

:you will earn additional skill/attribute points throughout FG”

You’re not going to play the whole expansion without levelling up and earning skill/attribute points - not when Zantai said FG’s about 60% the size of the AoM expansion. But in the same way that you can hit L100 partway through Ultimate (if you have base game and AoM and play both in Normal and Elite) and long before you reach end game this will just be another way to progress through the game. I suspect if people do both AoM and FG in Normal and Elite they’ll be hitting L100 somewhere in Elite. But some people skip AoM on Normal and don’t do it until Elite or even until they hit Ultimate so they might do the same with FG.

Very good idea as the Wiki isn’t anything to do with Crate and is publicly contributed to / edited. :wink:

Aren’t movement skills that we get from faction medals possibly what it refers to?

I doubt it since it says the page was last edited on the 31st March 2018. Medal aguments were only announced on Monday.

A LOT for you to wade through this time. I think I’m going to ban Zantai from doing streams himself - he talks too much! :wink:

[spoiler]New music track from Skewsound to start off.

Today as promised, I’m actually going to show you some of the movement skills we’ve been teasing. They’re a work in progress as with all things we show you during developement, they are subject to change, numbers can and will change. These are only the basic levels of the skills, there are more powerful versions of them you’ll find as you play. But the framework will give you an idea of how they work.

Any confirmed date for Forgotten Gods or still nothing?
Well, still the second half of 2018, I can tell you that. Second half of 2018 does start in about a month, but there’s a lot of months left and a lot of developement still left to do., although we are wrapping up a lot of the quest work here like the scripting work, dialogue, the gameplay itself. I have actually gone through most of the quest text and the dialogue, a good amount of it was actually written by Grava this time around.

2nd half of 2018 = Summer 2019 in game dev
2nd half of 2018 = Summer 2019, oh I hope not.

Grava quests…so more RNG?
Grava quests…so more RNG? I suppose not. He did get a lot of flack from you people for the last one, thought I figured it was totally fine considering how minor the result was.

How the heck do you guys manage all of the writing? Superb lore work done, guys. Props.
Pretty much every designer on the team has been involved in the writing to some extent. We just go and do it, get it done. The lore note, I’ve written a whole lot of them, Hyboreal has written a lot of them in the past, Grava has written some of them. I usually let Medierra handle Inquisitor Creed ones cause I sort of feel it’s his head cannon in there, his perspective of that character because Inquisitor Creed is his creation.

Can Defiler finally have his own set?
Yes, I suppose so in Forgotten Gods.

So in the last dev update we showed you some JIF or GIF depending on your side of the arugment in the endless GIF war. We showed you some of the abilities in action and today I’m going to actually apply these to the medal on my character and while we run around a bit, we’ll use them. Throw them into the mixes, why not?

Rune of the Shadowy Assassin (4)
A common rune of power used by the Witch God cults
Cult of Bysmiel Magic Augment

Rune of the Leaping Mantis (4)
A common rune of power used by the Witch God cults
Cult of Bysmiel Magic Augment

Rune of the Agile Huntress (4)
A common rune of power used by the Witch God cults
Cult of Solael Magic Augment

Rune of the Charging Bull (4)
A common rune of power used by the Witch God cults
Cult of Solael Magic Augment

Rune of Focussed Rage (4)
A common rune of power used by the Witch God cults
Cult of Dreeg Magic Augment

Rune of the Riftstalker (4)
A common rune of power used by the Witch God cults
Cult of Dreeg Magic Augment

The runes occupy the augment slot on medals. Previously medals did not have an enchant category of their own.

Will the movement skills be use-as-desired, or will they synergize heavily with specific builds (ala POE’s movement skills?)
Well, the basic ones are pretty build neutral and the more powerful ones will be a bit more specific, like you’ll find a teleport that does a fire explosion when you arrive at a destination so that would be more attuned to fire builds. But there are all sorts of varities of these more powerful versions so while you might have a fire teleport you might also have an acid teleport or a teleport with some defensive abilities or enemy strikes so it kind of up to you to find the runes you want and then incorporate into the build you’d like.

Only one update slot so no possibility of combinations?
That’s correct. I think one extra movement skill will be quite enough.

Are all these Runes hand-crafted? Or will some have random affixes?
They are not random, they are in fact hand crafted.

So these starting runes are available from the 3 friendly factions you can join in Forgotten Gods and you can probably guess that if one says Cult of Dreeg, the others might just be Bysmiel and Solael because you will be working alongside the Witch God cults to deal with the Forgotten God threat.

Are item based dash skills receiving changes?
Yes, they are being replaced, all items based movement skills will be on these runes so that means a relic and also some monster infrequents and there’s a component, but those 3 things and anything I can’t think of at the moment are going to get replaced with other skills.

Will present movement skills be changed to accommodate the new ones?
No, they will be staying exactly the same.

Great now I don’t need to take soldier to get a good movement skill (blitz)
Yes, for example you won’t need to take Soldier if you want to get a movement skill like blitz.

So potion to change main or secondary class?
That is not something we’re going to add.

Can you make those runes tradeable between characters ? so i dont necessarly have to choose faction for rune instead of lore preference ?
Well, the thing is you don’t actually get locked out of the other factions when you choose one. While the quests will change, and the story will change a little bit, you will actually be able to gain reputation with all 3 simultaneously which means you’ll be able to eventually buy all 6 runes on a single character.

How rare can we expect the highest tier runes to be?
That’s a good question because the highest tier runes will come from our shattering new game mode whatever that is. So I’ll guess you’ll see for yourself just how hard to get they are.

Can we go hostile at any point or are we locked in once a choice is made?
You cannot go hostile with these factions. That is not the way the story is going in Grim Dawn.

Have not heard of this shattering game mode. Zantai, can you please go into extreme detail of what you mean?
Well, you see, it’s like a part of the game that we’re adding, it’s like a different way to play, but it’s within the game. And it’s really shattering in terms of where it is.

zantai, show new game mode.
Not yet.

Were the Witch gods present at the Arkovian era ? Or did they ascend after?
They were present during that era.

Is in in the Aether Stronghold that guy in the Fleshworks mentioned?
The Aether Hold? No, it’s not in the Aether Hold, but it might be in a similar kind of place.

Hello! Will there any kind of pushing players to farm the new content and stop going the same ways even after AoM release? I’m talking about Cronley runs etc
Kinda like in AoM, there’s going to be new bosses, new monster infrequents, new dungeons, new challenges, new secrets. Ultimately though, the reason Ultimate difficulty scales across all areas is that you can choose what you want to farm. So if like running Cronley for your loot, be my guest.

Does it mean you wont have mobility skills while leveling?
So if you look at the tooltip you’ll see the level requirement is 15 and that’s because you can get these pretty quickly in the game. The reason being that the Forgotten Gods’ content actually begins right after you finish off Warden Krieg in the first Act of the game. It does not progress directly after you finish the Ashes of Malmouth content.

Did you save up the medal slot for the movement augments, or was it only an afterthought?
We did not save up medals specifically for this, we just thought at the time we did not need another augment slot to the enchantment we did have. As it turned out it worked out pretty well as we did have that slot available. I suppose if we did use medals in the past we could also have used relics.

How easy is it to respec a rune?
Quite easy, you just put another rune on your medal.

Will us doing the Forgotten Gods content immediately after Krieg over-level us and hurt our faction gains from defeating trash mobs?
We are going to adjust the level ranges in Forgotten Gods so that shouldn’t be a huge concern, but level up at a higher level after Krieg I suppose, yes.

Will there at least be some quests that give a skill point?
Yes, there will be quests that give skills points - and attribute points.

Relic componet in the future?
Not likely. I don’t think we’ll be adding any more components to the game. For example we’ve thought about how we would even do endless storage for components and we realised we’d need something like 186 slots in that inventory and that doesn’t fit on any of the current UI elements. It doesn’t fit in the stash, it doesn’t even fit on that main inventory that you get at the beginning of the game. Even that’s not enough spaces. So in the future less components.

Do the runes for Leap/Charge also work with ranged weapons?
The basic charge does not because it requires a target. But the rush ability does. And disengage.

How many new shrines?
Last I checked we have 6 new shrines in the Forgotten Gods area.

Can some quest-lines be missed if you start FG before talking to some NPC’s from base game+AoM?
No, you will not be locked out of any existing quests if you go straight into Forgotten Gods. You might notice some changes in certain quest areas if you go to Forgotten Gods, but it will not block you from doing quests.

Steam GOG Crossplay?
Officially not very likely to happen.

Is the Addon cheaper for guys that own the others? Support the Supporters.
I’m afraid not. It’s the same price for everybody.

So how we will get there? is there will be a portal somwhere on the map?
Well, there isn’t a portal on the map yet. But yes, there will be a portal.

Does it tie in in some way with the hidden path?
You could say that.

Any news on Xbox version? Still shooting for Q4 this year??
It’s being worked on, Rhis is working hard on that. I’m not sure it’s at right now, I haven’t looked at it for a while - you know, working on Forgotten Gods and all - last I heard it’s in a pretty good state. Not sure how close it is to release.

Do you will remove 3 difficulty levels? and make one ?
I don’t think we’d remove 3 difficulty levels. We’re looking at possibilities of streamlining the difficulty levels, but nothing to announce quite yet.

Any information on a new class?
I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Are we getting any new fancy cinematics like the AOM intro?
Actually I’m not sure we will this time. There are a lot of complications with the last cinematic which are making it to do another. We’ll see. At this point I’m not promising it.

Is set item conversion/reroll ready to demonstrate?
It is. This character doesn’t have the inventor unlocked and there’s a quest associated with it in the Forgotten Gods content that this character would have to do so I can’t show it to you today. But I can show it to you another time - or Grava can - whoever is streaming.

If you ever decide you’re not going to make another GD expansion , would you consider doing New Mastery DLC’s?
Probably not. Each new mastery is expotentially more timeconsuming to do than the last. so if we were to do a masery DLC that would be almost a good chunk of work as a new expansion would so I’m not sure how likely that is to happen. Not to mention that adding a new mastery would fragment the community further than a new expansion in the base game.

When I asked about teleport skills last time, you said they weren’t in game because you had areas accessible when they shouldn’t have been. Have you fixed that in FG, or were you just BSing because of announcement later on?
No we were not BSing you. This skill took a lot of work to get functional. This teleport actually obeys the pathing rules in the game. You can’t teleport over dynamic barriers, you can’t teleport over areas blocked by say dynamite. You can however teleport through walls that are accessible to you.

New teleport can do damage?
The basic one cannot, it’s just a teleport. However, more powerful versions can do damage.

Can you provide any insight on how the mobility skills will function with controller?
They will cast to their maximum range. So with a mouse and keyboard you’ll have a little more control over how you move like I can teleport over just an inch with a mouse and keyboard. With a controller you’ll go the maximum distance.

In fact there’s a seventh type of skill that we added recently, but it’s not going to be a rune for some reason.

Zantai, any chance of increasing the personal stash space and reducing the iron bits cost for unlocking said tabs?
I think we’re going to add one more tab to both the personal and shared stash. Pretty sure that’s what we’re planning. As far as increasing the cost, I don’t think that’s very likely.

I want more chaos damage type!!!
Well Forgotten Gods will give you more chaos damage types, gosh darn it.

Wouldn’t mind some conversion to physical gear tbh
Well, lucky you, because that’s some of the stuff we’re adding. Why should magic damage get all the love.

What’s the lowest we can get movement spell CDR down to? I need some of that POE Leap Smash spam.
Well, definitely not spammable. I don’t think that really fits Grim Dawn’s game play, but they can get shorter. Defintely shorter than what you’re seeing here.

Would something like auto pick that respects current loot filter be feasible ?
Feasible yes. It would take quite a bit of work. I’m not sure we’ll do that.

How large will the new areas be? Similar to first addon?
Forgotten Gods expansion is pretty big. It’s already bigger than we set out to make because as usual blah, blah, blah. Medierra’s going to kill me probably. But you know what, it’s turning out pretty good. It’s not as big as Ashes of Malmouth in terms of story content. Ashes of Malmouth was two chapters, is one larger chapter. But because we are introducing the new game mode as well that is going to be a very substantial amount of content for you guys.

Any possibility of assigning MI’s to a higher loot level than non MI rares?
Oh, as a filter you mean. That’s not a trivial thing as they are the same kind of item. We would have to add some new kind of item category that would then be filtered by.

Can we hide individual quests in the future?
What do you mean by hide? Because you can actually go to your quest log and uncheck certain quests from your tracker and hide them already. Maybe that’s what you’re looking for - it which case here it is!

Will high level runes be only one type or several? Fire leap and cold leap for example.
More powerful runes will have more versions. Off the top of my head I think we’re going to have about 4 dozen different runes in the game in additon to these 6. So it’s not going to be just leap and fire or leap and physical, they’re going to do different things.

Any plans for new expansions post Forgotten Gods?
Fogotten Gods isn’t even out yet and you’re asking me for expansions after that. That will depend entirely on how Forgotten Gods does, but realistically the team would probably like to try some new things soon. We can’t be working on Grim Dawn forever. And financially speaking each expansion will sell less than the last. So keeping that in mind, while we expect Forgotten Gods to pay for itself and make us a profit as a company I’m not sure it’ll sell as well as Ashes of Malmouth did. That’s just the nature of people moving on to other games.

When we move on from Grim Dawn, will there be any possibility of picking Grim Dawn back up in the future - perhaps 5 or so years later?
I would certainly say that’s entirely possible. We’re not ruling out potentially doing a Grim Dawn 2 some day or some other games in the Grim Dawn universe. That’s all up to what the future holds. It’s too early to say.

I just realized, we could tie devotion procs to the mobility skills right?

Whirlwind skill in FG or riot
Well, you shouldn’t start rioting just yet. But it’s not going on a medal.

What else can you say about the new game mode aside from how shattering and smashing it will be.
You know the mutators in the Crucible? Involves those a bit.

u said last time u wont make dedicated servers could u tell why would make game much better for everybody ?
bring dedicated server could improve the game and bring a ton of new players in… joining a game with 350+ ping no fun zentai plz make it happen
Yes. I haven’t heard that one before. See, now you’re talking about dedicated servers you got me killed. Dedicated servers That’s how great dedicated servers are. Dedicated servers cost lives. As the question comes up all the time I will answer it one more time on stream. Dedicated servers would be a cool feature. I think if we were to have it it would have to happpened when the game was new, when we could actually garner attention for the game and get people excited for the fact there are dedicated servers, there are seasons and all these hardcore multiplayer features. Instead we focussed on a single player experience, that is ultimately what Grim Dawn is about and we’re sticking to that, it’s working well for us. I think dedicated servers would be great, they will not happen for this game. Maybe Grim Dawn 2.

3 new constellations, 2 2 tier ones and 1 3 tier:

Any new super bosses in FG?
Ah, of course.

Any new Nemesis in FG?
Of ocurse. There’‘l be one new hostile faction - the Eldritch Realm Faction - and they’ wil have a nemesis.[/spoiler]

Korvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak is most definitely T3, though.

great job. Thanks medea;)

Quite possibly. Question was about tier 2s, but could end up being 3s. I haven’t had time to look at any details - it’s taken me hours to get this all down. I never did like audio typing much. :eek:

My Inquisitor builds are gonna have a field day with the Eldritch Realm faction.

Wonder what bullshit-err, i mean, mechanics their Nemesis will have. No more nullification pls

Korvaak is definitely T3 because of the affinity requirement and the fact it gives no affinity when completed.

I haven’t had a chance to look Norzan. No time for details when the chat’s going crazy. :smiley: Still haven’t had a good look at the movement skills yet either. Will be going through it all again tomorrow just to be able to enjoy it.

Thank you for typing this all out. It must have been a daunting task.

We’re able to piece together an increasingly detailed picture from all of this information. It seems like there’s going to be a whirlwind skill in the new mastery.

Thanks for writing all that up, Medea.
I don’t really watch streams so your posts are very useful.

And dang, all the teasing of the new game mode, the suspense is big.
Surprised Elite won’t be removed since a playthrough is already long with the AoM content added, another chapter on top of that would make it very long.
I hope that the streamlining mentioned and/or the new game mode will allow us to skip Elite completely while being able to gain the missing skill/stat point rewards in some other way.

More stash space sounds nice too. A new tab is definitely welcome but I hope we’ll get a few extra columns too.

New game mode has been confirmed to be ingame because that’s where you get the highest tier of runes. That and the Crucible mutators apparently being a thing there or something similar. So nothing to do with the current numbers of difficulties.

Medea thanks for writing all that down for us! Very helpful

Thank u !!

I think the Korvaak constellation is Tier 3. :wink:

A copy paste from my post in the dev stream thread.

I also saw the + points for a skill called “Judgement” on the shield Crest of the Black Legion.

So much interesting info! Really can’t wait to test these mobility skills in action!

As always, big thanks to medea :slight_smile:

about the new ‘shattering’ game mode
it wasn’t clear to me until this stream that this ‘shattering’ actually doesn’t have much to do with the game mode itself
I think he basically just told us that you need to shatter the barrier to the guardian of dreeg area to access it
also, if the new content becomes accessible after defeating Krieg, I suppose the entrance may very well be near the entrance to the AOM content

You’re welcome everyone. :slight_smile: I thought a thread like this would be useful to try and keep all the info together in one place. The GMs are always available of course, but the streams aren’t and there’s a lot of info in those as well.

Besides it helps me too, the streams are so busy with questions coming thick and fast it’s difficult to keep up with everything going on. I’d be rerunning the videos anyway just for myself to make sure I haven’t missed any info.

I think one of the biggest “spoilers” if you want to call it that was the fact that you can uncheck individual quests in your log if you don’t want to see all of them onscreen. So many people didn’t realise you could do that - including me! :eek: Probably knew about it in early alpha, but as I initially didn’t use the onscreen quest list I forgot about it.