Forum Game idea Grimdawn Mafia

Ceno and I were discussing this topic of possibly bringing a grimdawn inspired, mafia game to the forums in discord chat. This topic is to see how many of

you players are familiar, or interested in this idea being brought here, as I have several fun ideas to add to the mix theming around the world, and lore of

grimdawn. Incase you didn’t know, Mafia is a popular forum game online where you play with people on the forum. The rules are simple for some games,

and a tad more complex in others, depending on how the host sets up the game process. Basically, you have two opposing teams. 1. is called townie where

players must try to figure out, kill, and lynch the enemy team (mafia) from the game; 2. while the opposing team (mafia) tries to sway the townie team

into killing them, and lynching them until there are more mafia then townies. Each team has a few players with special roles, and abilities that can be used

once each night. There are two phases which players perform actions on. Day phase, and Night phase. In the day phase, players vote to see who they

should lynch from town. At night players use, and submit their abilities on players that they want to use them on during the night phase.

Let ceno, and I know in here if you are interested in playing. if this gets enough support, i’ll talk to the devs about it. or perhaps they can let me know here if they can make a sub forum for this.

I would like to lynch you for that formatting atrocity… I mean, uhh… it looks like fun. =)

I can’t imagine I’d participate as it seems a bit more involved than typical forum silliness like the three-word story, etc. Although it would be cool for when I’m looking through the forum on my phone while not playing GD–you know, pooping and whatnot.

I would like to lynch you for that formatting atrocity… I mean, uhh… it looks like fun. =)

Jokes aside, I can’t imagine I’d participate as it seems a bit more involved than typical forum silliness like the three-word story, etc. Although it would be cool for when I’m looking through the forum on my phone while not playing GD–you know, pooping and whatnot.