FPS drops on higher Crucible levels

Do you guys experience this too? How are we supposed to enjoy the end game content if it’s laggy like that? I just recently bought the game, enjoyed it immensely but the end game is a let down because of the terrible performance…

Yeah because everyone has bad game performance in Crucible… I play on a mid-tier laptop with lowish graphics settings, and my game runs fine with almost no glitches/lag, including in Crucible. Maybe post your graphics settings so people can help you? Also what kind of hardware does your rig have?

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How high are you talking with Crucible as well e.g. wave number? It would make some level of sense if you start struggling in waves that spawn dozens and dozens of enemies that rush you all at once whereas a good chunk of the game up until that point is more tame in the amount of enemies you typically run into.

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My specs are:
-GTX 1060 6gb
-i5 8600k 4.5Ghz OC
-8 gb DDR4 ram

Settings are mostly maxed out except one or two options are disabled. Shadows and particles high instead of max. Vsync and triple buffer off and activated through Nvidia control panel.

The waves in question are 130+

By drops I don’t mean 1-10 fps ofc. it drops as low as 30s and 40s.
Didn’t try SR yet but people on Reddit say it’s worse.

Maybe this can help you


My specs are worse than yours with all settings on high, and I don’t have the problem you have. I do get SR frame drops sometimes when I first load into crowded maps. But it’s never as bad as you say.

A few people have made core-- ahaha, I was ninja’d by @Foehammer.


Also, you could try turning off shadows and lower corpse persistency; less for your PC to process. Crucible does have a LOT going on at once so every little bit helps.

Perhaps it happens on specific arenas only? Check that, because I noticed a few arenas run on significantly lower FPS than others. Maybe then :crate: can fix those specifically.

I got a Alienware R9 i5 with a 1660 TI GCard, 16gig of ram and fibre internet…

This game is lagging every wave I complete as next wave loaded. this causes char to stop then appear somewhere else before you get control back, meaning you sometimes stand in something really nasty…
Oh and just to add, game is installed on an internal SSD…

Spec ain’t the issue…

And the game isn’t exactly the issue either, because I rarely see such reports popping up here.
Try closing all possible programs before running Grim Dawn and see if problem persists. That includes antivirus and background programs autostarting with Windows. If this helps, you can start narrowing down to program which causes this. One example could be Steam with its overlay.
Another thing to try is to disconnect your computer from network before running the game. If game runs fine without it, this will be another clue in your investigation. This test already helped a few people solve their problems.