Friends and Family Alpha has begun!

I guess Z has lost some hair recently :smirk:

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Friends and Family

people just be bragging, rubbing it in the noses of the friend- and familyless :unamused:

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How rude of crate… I really, really thought we are their family. I feel like we are now the black sheep in the family here, oh wait, that sounds cool “love em black sheeps”

I’m suprised noones been asking if anyone who’s already in the family’s looking to adopt :stuck_out_tongue:

How does one get adopted???




Hey, it’s me! Your long lost brother! :slight_smile:

i’d love to try out the FF “alpha”(wolf)
but i’ll have to admit, i’d probably be a horrible playtester :sweat_smile: , i suck at paying attention to “stuff”, and any feedback would probably divert more resources to read than it’d benefit the actual game dev :joy:

will look forward to it hitting early access/Steam tho and hope this Alpha run goes well :+1:

how do I partizipate then?

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Is it too late to participate? This game looks really good!

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Yeah how does one participate? Would be awesome. This game looks great!

Is there any way to participate in the alpha version before the game is released ?

That’s a lot of wolfs! Time to start singing bayu bayushki bayu! Looking forward to more peaks as time goes on! Just wishlishted/followed on steam!

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Did you see the trailer that was released yesterday?


i liked the music you used so mellow. :slight_smile:

Im getting so pumped for this game.

Is the music used in the trailer part of the game soundtrack, by chance?

It is a cut from the soundtrack, yes!

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Hell yes. Sounds great!

Jealous of all the friends and family play-testing already. Looking forward to the early access so I can play and watch the game grow like with so many others. It looks beautiful so far and really interested to see how the mechanics play out on this! For those that have it already enjoy and feel privileged compared to us who are not worthy :rofl::rofl:!

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I want to play too guys. Come on, I came a knocken! will somebody let me in? Alpha, Beta, EA whatever it’s called these days, I want to try it!

I’ve played Total War, Star Craft and Cities: Skylines plus many more RTS, Builder and the like games. I would love a chance to play this.

Played Grim Dawn with Steam controller and just a reminder, thanks for that addition it works great.