Full Resists, still shotgunning?

Oh, sweet. I know just the one. I was debating putting in a beronath’s fury since all its elemental damage would be transferred to aether.

My gladiator farmer has 2.5k DA (without defensive banner - he doesnt use it when farming) and doesnt give a shit about your “DA standards”. So do I.
If you have troubles on non-boss wave, then 150 wave will most probably just crush you, if Iron Maiden/Fabius/Valdaran 3x spawn.

And sorry, but gladiator farmers are not “most builds”. They’re BEST OF THE BEST, the Champions of Grim Dawn. Those Champions can do feats, that seem impossible to “most builds”. For example, my build has 63% physical resistance (81% with Ghoulish Hunger proc), and can have it even higher, with better rolls on gear.

OA is great and important, but not too much. In my opinion, having more than 3.1k OA (without buff/banner) wont affect your DPS in any significant way.
DPS is very important in Crucible, true. And not just to clear it faster, but to kill dangerous enemies before they unleash full wrath of their skills upon you, and before your defensive CD’s wear off.
But dead warriors deal 0 DPS, remember that. Investing too much into DPS and forgetting about defences will get you killed in Crucible.

Survival’s Ingenuity is good “all-around” augment, that gives you damage, OA and DA. It’s great when you already have overcapped resists, and not too much OA. But if i lack some resists, i would rather bring them to cap with augment, even trashy one.

My current setup, BTW:

This is my take on it/what i’m working on atm: http://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZRArXKV

DA is a bit low but Gaze of Beronath and Arcane Bomb’s OA reduction should help shore that up a bit but it’s not perfect. Then again, i’m not designing it for Crucible, i’m more of a Campaign player.

You can pull points out of the WPS as I wanted to focus on them a bit more on my end so other places like Inquisitor’s Seal suffered :stuck_out_tongue:

Main thing I would recommend though is swapping out Uroboruuk’s Shoulders for Kriegs for the 3-piece that gives OA and health and also attack speed and + to Spectral Binding.

Edit: For more stun resistance, i’de also swap to Grava pants to maintain max Spectral Wrath and resists like so: http://www.grimtools.com/calc/4NOQP9vV

You’ve done more than I was expecting people to do. I really appreciate it. I admit I’m not a good build maker, so seeing how people would change what I do is the best way for me to improve. This looks really interesting, and I’m going to see what I can do with it. I didn’t even consider soul harvest and it looks fantastic for an attack speed build.

Fair enough.
But i didnt understand even main concept of your build. Can you tell me that?
You want to make a dual-pistol gunslinger, right?

The current “glad 150 ez pz” builds use AoM equipment to roflstomp effectively vanilla enemies. Once AoM will be ported to crucible, all the stun galore of AoM will be there. Grava’thul for example will literally nullify any build which relies on survivability from buffs, so anything involving shamans, necros and inquisitors instantly become non-viable. 2 of them will ensure they can’t be melee-locked, so even braindead cadence soldiers will have problems.
Double Kupa will shit out blood pools to the point the only way to fight them is out-dps their healing.
And that’s only 2 nemeses.

I’m using gear to convert the inquisitor’s ranged elemental damage WPS into aether damage. The fact that it’s a dual-pistol gunslinger only helps with the amount of on-hit that I end up getting. I then use necromancer’s +aether damage (and its lifesteal) to make an aether gunslinger with durability.

Will this spark a rebalance of either Nemeses or Cruc? It sounds like we’re getting down to a literal handful of builds that will be able to clear Glad Cruc once AoM content reaches it.

EDIT: I realize Glad Cruc is post-post-endgame super-elite best of the best content but entire masteries sound like they’re going to become no longer viable.

As if builds weren’t already difficult enough to balance. Everything I make hits like a wet noodle and takes damage about as well as tissue paper. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when that happens when some of my favorite masteries sound like they’ll just vanish from viability.

While I realize that some builds are just bad, every mastery combination should be able to take a crack at the biggest challenges and have some chance of beating them, I would think. It makes more sense to lock content behind player skill-walls than “you didn’t choose an uber FotM build”. To some extent beating Nemeses involves understanding their unique hazards and adapting, but “lol all your buffs are gone” is a serious kick in the teeth for a lot of masteries that might be really difficult to bounce back from.

EDIT: In short I want to “git gud” not “git with the flavor of the month”.

Agreed completely. I don’t mind being bad. I mind building up a character and finding out that I chose “incorrectly”.

There were builds, that “roflstomp” Crucible before AoM too, using “old” equipment.
So, you reason isnt really valid.
If we put AoM enemies into Crucible as it was done with “old content”, then i assure you, no build will be able to reliably farm Gladiator crucible at all! AoM content is ridiculously overtuned compared to old one, with that amount of HP and damage, no build would stand a chance against multiple nemesises and other enemies (well, maybe with exception of 2-3 most broken builds with BiS items + rolls in every slot using tons of consumables…). And allowing dispeling player’s buffs in Crucible will be just beyond retarded - what’s the reason to buy buffs for tributes if they will be dispelled anyway?

Dont forget, that although we got new gear, enemies also got +15 levels and became far tougher than they were (cause their HP and damage scale with level directly). While your constellation and skill bonuses remained almost the same (few extra points here and there wont make drastical difference).

I’d removed dispels from enemies COMPLETELY, because it’s just a retarded mechanics that cant be countered and fucks players for no reason (i dont even have space for buff skills on my skill bar).

I’m afraid, your build’s idea is very poorly supported by items. And in GD, any extraordinary idea, that isnt HEAVILY supported by items, is doomed.
Let me explain it.
To get decent DPS, you should not just stack ~2000% increase to corresponding damage type, but also ensure you have enough BASE FLAT DAMAGE to start with.
And that’s exactly the WEAKEST point of your build. You have almost no flat Aether/elemental damage to start with, you dont have any strong “default attack” skill to boost that damage, you dont even have full elemental -> aether conversion!
I’d suggested you to throw that idea into trash bin of failed builds, and start with something else, that will have a chance to work, at least.

If you want DW gunslinger, try to focus on pierce damage, or chaos, maybe…

Does conversion stack additively (25% + 25% = 50%) or multiplicatively (25% + 25% = 43.75%)?
Because if it stacks additively, I do have 100% conversion as my helm, chest, and both rings have 25% each. I also swapped in Shard of Beronath on one of the guns to have a default attack. The results are fairly powerful as I can get to about 69k dps. If that’s not enough, I’m fine with scrapping this, but I don’t actually have a frame of reference for any of this. What constitutes “good” in any one area isn’t readily defined.

Moosi doesn’t revive neither Loxmere dispels buffs on Crucible, it will most likely stay in the same direction when the new patch hits.
Else it would be a complete overkill of a difficulty.

69K is probably on the low side at Clvl100. If you could find some way to work in flat damage bonuses that would help some. Possibly in Devotions? I understand the base concept you’re going for here (an Apostate focused on elemental-to-aether conv) but I wouldn’t get super attached to any gear that isn’t absolutely necessary for that. MortalKombat could be right here and the itemization might not be there for it (yet, anyway) but the base idea doesn’t seem like it would be unsound in and of itself.

Sounds like this isn’t happening, then. I’ll admit to being kind of astounded by the damage numbers, which shows how bad I am at making builds if this is the “low end”. I’ll scrap this one. I love weird builds, as you can probably tell. I may have to stick to ones other people make from now on, though. I think this proves I don’t have much of an idea of what I’m doing when it comes to this game.

Sheet DPS isn’t everything. He may have 69k but that doesn’t factor in that every attack is a WPS or the insane amounts of Aether RR Apostate has access to - in the build I posted above, I get up to -132% Aether RR that is able to be applied reliably from Acid Spray, Arcane Bomb, Spectral Wrath and Death Sentence.

I’m going off of grimcalc’s monster record here but the most Aether resistance I’ve seen on Aetherial enemies is 50 from Valdaran, 75 from the Heralds (and 80 from the actual final Bourbon clone but they’re the Bourbon clones so yeah) so -132% is actually pretty damn good.

Point taken. @BoxingBiochemist have you tried whacking the training dummies for a bit to see what kind of numbers you get?

Yeah, but I don’t know if they’re good and I don’t have recording software. Is there some kind of measure for the amount of damage I’m doing that might be meaningful?

Best way to test DPS personally is out against proper enemies. Before the expansion, I and many others used bosses like Rashalga for such purposes :p. Especially because her spawn is fixed and easy to reach.