Fun little reference I found


Found this enemy in shattered realms, had to take a screenshot. It’s either one hell of a coincidence or someone on the dev team likes Arknights :stuck_out_tongue:

Has anyone else found any references or nods to other games/media they like in Grim Dawn?

maybe names in grim dawn are rng?like in d3?

There’s some randomness to it definitely, but I’ve seen this “Mudrock - Defender” crab multiple times now, and nothing like the combination names from d2/d3

Nope. All hero enemies in the game have fixed names.


Or the devs were looking up geology terms that might be relevant to mud crabs for naming

I may or may not have found a Shrek in a swamp.

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It’s the “defender” combination (I’ve only ever seen it with that ability) that made me think so, given that’s the class of the character Mudrock from Arknights. It could also just be a coincidence of course, I just thought it was a funny one.

After you name a few hundred of these…you end up with things like mud rock.