Lots of hours in the game, but still a fairly new player. I just spent about an hour - hour and a half, possibly longer, getting all 3 runestones. I then hoof it to the marked stone in the East Marsh to finish the quest. Open the Marked Stone, no issue. Fight my way to the temple, get to the door - game completely freezes. Waited a few minutes in case there was maybe a cut scene or something that was going to play, but alas, no. Whatever happened completely froze up my PC as I could not alt tab out or anything, just kept going to black screens. I had to force a reboot. When I got back in to the game, I went back to the Marked Stone in East Marsh and now the stone says it’s locked. Checking my inventory the runestones are gone. Is this quest broken, do I go back and collect the Runestones again? I will if I have to I guess, it was just kind of deflating getting almost to the end of a multi hour quest line to have it just crap out like that.
Have you tried clicking on the stone anyway even though you don’t have the runes? If I recall, the door can close behind you (or you can exit out of the game) once you’ve used the runes and you’ll be able to reopen it without the runes once you’ve passed that point, even though the door says it’s locked. Just make sure you walk all the way up to the door when you click it, a small handful of doors in the game are a bit iffy and won’t walk your character closer to the door to open it, you have to walk up manually.
Well I feel like a dummy. Guess I didn’t check to see yesterday if I could actually open the door or not. Saw that it was locked and gave up, I just clicked it and it opened fine. Thanks for the response.
Hi, I got wiped out in the run up to the temple. 2nd time I decided to go build up more power. Now the rock to the temple has disappeared from the east marsh! Does it spawn elsewhere?
No, that’s the only location for it.
I’ve never found the temple inaccessible. I once had the game crash right as I opened the stone door, so the three runes were gone from my inventory and the quest was unresolved, but since the door was opened once, I was able to open it again on the next load, even though it said in red that it’s locked.
Thanks, rebooted again (twice!) & it’s back!