Game crashes while trying to load a save

Once in the game after trying to load the latest save I had I get a window that pops up and then the game crashes to desktop (see image).

I get the attached log file.

[WARNING] Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
[WARNING] Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
[LOG] FishingManager initialization started.
[LOG] FishingManager initialization complete.
[LOG] Loading Game…
[LOG] Loaded gameManager
[LOG] Loaded combatManager
[LOG] Loaded uiManager
[LOG] Loaded timeManager
[LOG] Loaded terrainManager
[LOG] Loaded resourceManager
[LOG] Loaded mineralManager
[LOG] Loaded fishingManager
[LOG] Loaded foragingManager
[LOG] Loaded cameraManager
[LOG] Loaded agricultureManager
[LOG] Loaded animalManager
[LOG] Loaded villageStats2
[LOG] Loaded happinessManager
[LOG] Loaded analyticsManager
[LOG] Loaded expenseManager
[LOG] Loaded tradeManager
[LOG] Loaded fowSystem
[LOG] Loaded villagerAutoSwap
[LOG] Loaded hintManager
[LOG] Loaded 800 TreeResource out of 800
[LOG] Loaded 699 StoneResource out of 699
[LOG] Loaded 5,006 ForageableResource out of 5,006
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Male_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Female_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Female_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Female_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Male_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Male_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Female_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Female_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Female_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Male_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Female_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehaviour with tag “Wounded” for CEAnimationController attached to Villager_Pawn_Female_01A(Clone)! This state will not receive enter/exit events!
[WARNING] Boolean Animation State “WOUNDED” Failed to find a StateMachineBehavio

I just sent you a private message with details on how to send this save file to me.

I appreciate you taking the time to help us fix what is causing this.

The forum won’t let me load a .sav file.


Were you able to get my private message? I included my email in it for you to send it there. The folder for your town would be ideal as it would contain the map and sav file.

I’m getting the same crash - happens most when I use the continue button, but has happened after selecting my saved game. I found restarting my computer seems to help for some reason.

Thanks for posting!
I agree, it seems restarting does help. I haven’t had the problem since. Could simply be some kind of memory leak that builds over time.


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