Game crashing on inventory use outside towns (following recent patch!)

Hi there,

Since the recent update (v1.2.1.0), the game has effectively become unplayable except on vanilla/un-modded modes. I’ve tried numerous mods (Cataclysm, Smash-n-Grab, Dawn of Masteries) and they all encounter the same issue: whenever you’re outside a town, if you attempt to open your inventory, it immediately crashes the game: you either end up with a frozen screen with the game where you left it, or with a black screen with only a cursor. Nothing moves, and the game doesn’t respond to alt-f4, so you have to use Task Manager to close it.

I did wonder if this was a consequence of the mods needing to be updated, but I should note that it’s happening with every mod I’ve tried so far…which suggests it might be something more comprehensive.

That being said…I’m loving Grim Dawn, and I also made sure to buy the expansions yesterday, to see if that would resolve the problem. Alas, not so much…but I’m looking forward to being able to play again soon. Thanks for all that you guys do :slight_smile:

Sounds like the mods need to be updated. Have they?

If it’s not happening in vanilla GD, take it up with the mod thread.

Mods are often tied to a specific version of the game. So when a new update comes out, as ibugsy mentionned, mods need to be updated one by one by their authors. If that update doesn’t happen, then to use the mod you will have to use one very specific outdated version of the game.
It often works like this in modding.

What it means is that only very active mods will be updated immediately. Others will lag behind.

That said, each mod is specific so you need to check their threads. Congrats on getting the expansions, hopefully they will quench your thirst for content for a while =D

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Ah, I was afraid it would be an issue with the mods themselves. Makes it less likely that there’ll be a fix, alas, but I can hope!

Thanks a lot for the help :slight_smile:

I can say for sure that this is definitely not the fault of the mod, but a problem with GD itself.

Try this method to see if it can solve your problem.


Ah, that’s definitely something I’ll try. Thank you :slight_smile:

HAH! That solved the problem. Can’t believe it was something so simple…but that’s definitely made a huge difference. Thank you so much :slight_smile: :smiley: