Grim Dawn Version v1.2.1.0 + Hotfixes

Might be, but those areas are Challenge areas? If so, that would really speed up the rate the Nemesis is spawned. I think it’s a great change since you no longer have to run around looking for them. I’ve tried different areas and they get spawned pretty quickly. Usually I have both Benn and Grava spawning by the time I am halfway through the first floor in BoC.

Makes for a more edge-of-your-seat gameplay where you don’t know when they’ll pop up on you! :sunglasses:

Yeah, I guess those are challenge areas so they would get them to spawn faster! Must say it adds some extra danger to the fight as often they can spawn while you are fighting a boss in that area… and they are often triggered immediately, even from off-screen.

Have you got any updaye on how to resurrect chars kidnapped by the boss Duplicated Tag?

update your mod/update rainbow filter?

That’s what she said.


Report a serious problem that has not been solved since the official release of and the hotfix of
Any third-party mod that modifies the character’s baggage will freeze immediately when opening the character interface after picking up the loot. However, the original version without modification will not have this problem.

If the crate is set to limit the third party’s expansion of storage space, please clearly state it. Otherwise, please fix it as soon as possible. Salute to the crate!

Latest discovery: As long as this option is not checked, the above problem will not occur.


That’s what the plushies are for! Now, if only we can ever vote in a Scorv pillow…

Would the devs consider adding flat Armour and % Armour to the Pets section of the character sheet? I’d love to quickly see how much added armour and armour% the devotions/items/etc are boosting to the pets.

Is this a FoA feature as well? Doesn’t seem to do anything. Edit: seems to work only for some buff templates, but not for a skill_buffselfduration, for example. Sadge.

  • Added % Heal over time to buff effects. This effect tics per second.

Stun or physical resists? :grin:

currently raven’s mend flesh use that i think

update your rainbow filter/tags

oh nvm, had to restart the game is all.

update your rainbow filter/tags

Ha, as if i’d ever use that.

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If someone has crashes or freezes when using GDIA I found the solution.
YOu have to run as Admin.
When you get in your game switch task to GDIA and wait until it says already injected.
If you than go into game the message comes “Item Assistant enabled”.
Than you get no freezes an crashs

You can deactivate that in options that you see always all

Hmm, it’s curious to see so many +Healths replaced with +Armor in Devotion - I wonder, what prompted that?

phys res changes, armour to compensate a little


any news for xbox update?

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I know this, I mean any estimated date for update?

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We do not have an estimate at this time.

We are currently in communications with Microsoft to even get access to the Xbox marketing materials they want us to include in the trailer. Apparently such highly sensitive assets need to be granted permissions!


Why make it easy for you when they have the option to make it as inconvenient and aggravating as possible?