Grim Dawn Version v1.2.1.0 + V1.2.1.1 Hotfix

This update is incredible! I love this game so much. I think I found a bug, the new spear weapon class doesn’t allow you to attach components and augments that work on all other 2H weapons currently. Haven’t seen anyone else mention it yet.

Because already been reported in the Bug Reporting section of the forum.

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Idk if im blind and not seeing it,but the scepter for aether ray ligthing change seems weird,how do you convert the aether now in ligthing?

same way you always did, 100% global, or use direct conversion necklace
the aether conversion on sceptre was pretty useless because it was doing fragmented conversion anyway

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Awesome thanks!

We are in the process of rolling out hotfix v1.2.1.1 to all platforms. Steam will likely be first, followed by GOG. This hotfix addresses two issues:

  • Fixed an issue where Components and Augments could not be applied to Spears.
  • Fixed an issue where transmuted skills were not benefiting from some skill modifiers.

And an update on XBox…Microsoft has decided to retroactively fail our certification because of trailers the game has had since Grim Dawn released on console over 2 years ago…

We will try to sort this out as soon as possible, but unfortunately it does mean we likely cannot get the patch out to console this week as promised. Apologies for the delay. :frowning:



A question on Mend Flesh. If my Mend Flesh heals for “4% Health Restored”, will that be 4% per second for the duration? So at 3 second duration, it would be a total of 12% health over that time?

Or is it 4% health restored spread out across the 3s duration?

Boo Microsoft :frowning:

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Thanks for making wind devil a permanent pet.


I have both xbox and steam version of the game but like to play in xbox. do not like when xbox has late updates :frowning: do we at least have a chance to play at weekends?

Holy heck!
Just heared the new Nemesis Warning Sound for the first time!
Reeeally dope!


So with the failed certification for Xbox does that mean we just won’t be getting it or it’ll be resubmitted in the future?

They just need to resubmit some files, assuming it’s acceptable to m$, it should be soonish. I’m sure it’s a priority right now

I’m guessing class action lawsuit and massive refunds for all Xbox players.
(They’re probably just going to jump through some administrative hoops only Microsoft has the secrets of)

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Not really relevant here but I was a huge Farthest Frontier fan. After finding a YouTube video about good ARPGs I was so excited to find out the same devs were making it. I’ve never bought a game so fast in my life. Glad I am hopping in while it’s still getting updated


I had my doubts about the changes to pets, but booooy. I started up my Ritualist and tried out the new Nemesis system. I barely got to the second island of the Ugdenbog starting from the Coven’s Refuge and got the “A Nemesis approaches”, and then Kubacabra appeared, managed to breathe weapon once, and then was in two pieces, then four, then dead in about 10 seconds or less. Wow!
I like the new system, will be a lot easier to farm nemeses. I wonder, can for example these guys appear in places outside their former spawning grounds, if there are enough of their factions there?

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Yep, they can spawn almost everywhere provide you kill their groupies.


Is it me or Celestial Totems disappeared? I visited 3 of the areas they usually appear at, and found none…

celestial totems share groups,
did you check all the spots for a given group?
ie you might have gone to 3 different areas, but that could potential be 3 separate groups, each with 3 spawns, so 9 places to check
ex east marsh totem is there,

but could be in 2 different spots for this group Grim Dawn World Map