Grim Dawn Version v1.2.1.0 + Hotfixes

Thanks Medea, I updated rainbow and everything is showing properly now! :slight_smile:

Have you ever considered merging direct and dot damage types (ex: fire and burn)? Most of the time they appear in pairs, with the same value, and hardly lead to some interesting gameplay choice. And they are a considerable source of tooltip bloat.


Not gonna lie, everytime i read anything tooltip/item related it really hurts because i get hopes up that finally we might get rainbow-filter-esque colorization for stats in the tooltips as an option natively, just to be letdown again. And not hyperboling here, i still didn’t touch the game since a while because that really kills my mood. Everything else will be added to made it more readable except one of the most effective ones (imho).

Outside of that, pretty great update… esp. the nemesis rework sounds great. Still not feeling the motivation to boot up the game again because of the issue pointed out above.

Just noticed when PC picks up any new item they flash the color of that item until cursored over. Probably missed that in the voluminous chagelog.

item highlighting

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Sounds awesome. I Love the nemesis changes especially!
Thank you all for your hard work! :smile:

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Are there any plans to create appropriate animations for two-handed hammers and axes in future updates?

While that may be true, i feel it would be nice to experiment with other classes than just a cabalist, ritualist or conjurer

Also, they’re also going to make new items and awaken epic items that can potentially be used for endgame.

Thanks - the New Item Highlight was bugging me a little and didn’t know that it could be disabled

Looking forward to seeing the new ideas, and which will be the mod project that will update first with this new path

Grrrrr (check my conjurer video friday)

Mythical Spark of Ultos still has “+2 summon to Wind Devil”.

So does Stormsurge Pistol.

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So? All that’s doing is adding a couple of points to the skill. Nothing in the patch notes about either of those having changes.

I think this is the salient line that might be the cause of confusion:

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Kobu’s right, burst summon mod still left here

Wouldn’t be the first time when :crate: forgot about removing Wind Devil mods on yellows
Last time they forgot to remove +duration to Wind Devils on some yellow (after introducing -duration on that perma devil off-hand)


I just got into the game last week. I’ve been having a lot of fun with my first character which is a warder. Having to constantly re-summon wind devils was the only part that wasn’t fun. I was very surprised yesterday when I logged in and realized my wind devils were permanent. Honestly this game is awesome and it’s great to see the support and love this game gets from the devs and community after 8 years. I’ve seen the light and I’m proud to say that I’m now a Crate enjoyer.

One neat detail that I didn’t notice about the Nemesis rework is that now Kupa can spawn in any area of the game, not just the AoM maps. I went to the Broken Hills to kill the Guardian of Solael, and after beating them I was checking my inventory to see if the pants it dropped were good, and I noticed I was taking damage. I closed my inventory and there it was, KUPA. It definitely was an “OH SHIT” moment, but a cool one.


This update is incredible! I love this game so much. I think I found a bug, the new spear weapon class doesn’t allow you to attach components and augments that work on all other 2H weapons currently. Haven’t seen anyone else mention it yet.

Because already been reported in the Bug Reporting section of the forum.

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Idk if im blind and not seeing it,but the scepter for aether ray ligthing change seems weird,how do you convert the aether now in ligthing?